Just saying hello

jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
Hello. I'm new on MFP although I've been dropping weight for about 10 weeks.

I'm most of the way to my target weight already. I had an overall target of 32 pounds to lose and I'm down by 22 pounds in 10 weeks. Once I reach my target weight through diet and nutrition, I plan to increase my calorie allowance with particular attention on improving my protein/carb/fat split and increase my activity level with strength training. I should then see an increase in weight (due to additional lean muscle) but a decrease in body fat percentage.

I guess my overall goal isn't about the weight at all, it's about getting a body shape that I'm happy with. If I could be 15 stone and have a good looking body I'd be happy with that! :)

I have to say that the first stage (weight loss) is going ridiculously better than I expected. I set a target of 12 stone 6 by October and I'm currently weighing in at 12 stone 2. My final goal for weight loss is 11 stone 6 before stage 2 kicks in with bulking up my lean muscle mass.

Weigh in's are Saturday morning only. I don't want to see the numbers on the scale fluctuate day by day, I only want to see as close as I can get to a measure of my true weight. So it's first thing in the morning, after toilet but before breakfast., same time every week.

Not sure what else to say... Just wanted to introduce myself and say hi really! :)


  • kdwalker01
    Hi, I'm new to MFP and wanted to say congratulations on your success. I wondered how you set up your daily intake in order to be so successful? Can you share?
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    Welcome and congratulations on your weight loss so far.
  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    Can you share?

    Sure, happy to share my tale.

    I'm getting married next April and I want to look good in my wedding photos. Suit fittings are in October (hence the original goal date of October). I guess what really set the ball rolling to do something about the podge though was seeing a picture I had taken at a book signing with one of my favourite authors where I look noticably chubby. The gloves were off, me against the belly balcony!

    I started off by not counting calories at all. I just made small changes to my lifestyle one at a time bit by bit. For example:

    I stopped eating chocolate, cakes etc (all the foods I KNOW are bad). That's an easy first one.
    I started increasing my water intake - I get 5 litres daily now (I lost 5 pounds in a week when I first started thrashing water down. Water retention = gone!)
    I cut down my coffee to 2 or 3 cups a day - to make more room for the water!
    I sacrificed sugar in my coffee for 1 cal sweetener
    I started weighing foods to get the reccommended portion rather than guessing.
    I steadily reduced the amount of food I took to work for lunch (from 2 buns, a couple of biscuits and a bag of crisps, reduced in stages to 1 bun or a tin of weight watcher soup).
    I swapped out Orange Juice in the morning for Apple Juice.

    With all of these little sacrifices and a load more I can't think of right now, which took a few weeks to make a little at a time, the weight started to drop off.

    I realised I hadn't actually been hungry in a long time! I begun to appreciate how much more pleasurable eating my evening meal is if I'm properly hungry by dinner time. I learned to look forward to getting that gnawing hunger just for the anticipation of putting something tasty and nutritious in my belly!

    For an experiment, I decided I was going to try and leave a morsel of food left on my plate at the end of every meal. I usually find I'm equally full as I would have been if I'd finished the last bite but over a week, those little bites probably make about half a meal!

    I started counting calories on the odd day or 2 just to check and with no real idea of how many I should be aiming for. With all my little sacrifices I was averaging between 1200 and 1500 per day. I figured this was as good a number as any to aim for so I started counting.

    Counting by reading the back of packets and scribbling down calculations on scraps of paper is really difficult! Particularly when preparing meals from scratch using fresh ingredients. So I found the MFP Iphone app and then found the site from there.

    I still keep 1200 per day as my target amount but I'm not religious about it and I certainly don't beat myself up if I eat 1500 or 1600 per day.

    I set myself motivators by making my progress accountable:

    Each week's weight goes on a chart by the bed - it's a great feeling to look at the numbers which are lower than last week's!
    I have a camera set up on a tripod to take photo's (front, side, back) of my body daily. I'm putting them into a time lapse of my progress :)
    I have a treat day every Saturday (subject to doing well on the scales) to spike my metabolism and also simply for something to look forward to. Treat days I go well over my calorie allowance completely guilt free :)

    I'm not sure how my methods compare to other folk? Be interested to find out though...
  • kdwalker01
    Thanks so much for sharing your story, it is so encouraging. I'm more excited to figure out what works for my body and hopefully will see wieight loss soon.
  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    Forgot to say. If anyone would like to add me as a friend on here, please feel free :)