Just diagnosed

I have just been diagnosed with hypothyroidism and started taking medicine. Was just hoping for any advice with trying to lose weight and what we're your hardest obstacles to overcome.


    CALS0CCERBEAR87 Posts: 38 Member
    I am sorry and although i cannot relate, hope things get better for you <3

    here's something i found: "Eating a well-balanced and high-iodine diet along with proper exercise can maintain a healthy and hypothyroidism-free life. Dieting and exercising will not only help your thyroid to function well; it will also give your entire body a healthy make over."

    Goes through foods to eat and avoid: http://hypothyroidisma.com/hypothyroidism-diet.php

    Try your best take things one day at a time. : )

    ps: if appropriate personally, maybe consider taking a potent weight-neutral SNRI anti-depressant like Effexor or Cymbalta...definitely noticed mood-brightening/less anxiety effects + tamer food cravings during the time i was on them
  • neohdiver
    neohdiver Posts: 738 Member
    Make sure your doctor manages T3, T4, and rT3. If s/he monitors and properly manages those, you should have no symptoms and it should ahve no impact on losing weight.

    The most common way of managing hypothyroidism is to throw synthetic T4 at it, check on TSH, and assume everything is hunky dory. It likely won't be. Your body is supposed to convert T4 (synthroid equivalent) to T3 (the happy thyroid hormone). It shouldn't be much of a surprise that if your thyroid isn't working well, it may not do the conversion well - and where it goes wrong is by converting it to rT3 (the sad hormone - according to my doctor).

    So, after you are on T4 (synthroid/levothyroxo\ine) for a while, make sure your doc checks T4, T3, and rT3. If rT3 is high and T3 is low your doc should add some synthetic T3 to the mix (Cytomel/liothyronine). If T4 is also too high, it should be lowered. My doctor has been playing around with my dosage (testing every 10 weeks) for a year. We're close to the right brew.

    But - in same time period I've lost 74 lbs since diagnosis, so my opinion is that hypothyroidism is significantly over-hyped as a barrier to weight loss/cause of weight gain,