Looking for Accountability Partners - Let's Help Each Other Stay on Track

Looking for a few new folks to be accountability partners.

For the past few years, I've been logging my food on MFP for a period of time (and losing some weight)
-- and then I have a few bad days.. and am too ashamed or something to log how bad the damage really is.

I have a few friends on my feed that do give encouraging comments, and it really can help.
I am looking for a few more, as I have 40 pounds to lose and I desperately want to get control over my health.

If you add me, I promise to add you right back-- and I will provide supporting words and motivation as well.



  • JudyAnn1982
    JudyAnn1982 Posts: 16 Member
    don't know how to add you. But I could use some support. Trying to maintain.
  • kekeke123
    kekeke123 Posts: 19 Member
    I added you!! We can support eachother :) I will accept anyone else who wants to do the same <3
  • lorieshalls
    lorieshalls Posts: 3 Member
    I don't know how to add you either. I need a buddy in this. Wanting to loose 56 pounds.
  • westln
    westln Posts: 35 Member
    Add or invite me everyone. For some reason I can't add on my phone.
  • jdoubleu1224
    jdoubleu1224 Posts: 13 Member
    I'm looking for the same
  • jessicafg
    jessicafg Posts: 13 Member
    Great idea to join up and keep each other motivated.

    - If you click on the members names above, it will take you to a private message section, click on their name again and it will take you into their profile, for you to just then select 'add as friend'.

  • janiebellx377
    janiebellx377 Posts: 4 Member
    I would love to motivate and be motivated. Where/how do I sign up?