I need to get over myself!



  • Look, idk about you, but SALADS AREN'T FOR ME...

    You don't have to eat FAT FREE HEALTHY FOODS 24/7. You CAN EAT whatever you want. Just portion control is the key!
  • CARNAT22
    CARNAT22 Posts: 764 Member
    My diary was private until the other day and now it is only viewable to my 'friends'

    Everyone is different, some people wil be spurred on by having their diary open to all and other people prefer to be private.

    I sometimes take a look at other people's diaries and do you know what - they are pretty boring LOL! - as you say we're not eating tons of crappy food so all people's diaries are pretty tame.

    I found logging everything but keeping my diary private worked well for me!!

    But remember if you don't log something you are only cheating yourself!
  • Libby81
    Libby81 Posts: 734 Member
    The weekends are the worse for me! I do pretty well throughout the week, but the weekend for me is out of control (at least when it comes to dinner on Friday and Saturday)! I am not necessarily trying to lose anymore, I am really pretty much toning and still burning a high number of calories...but just think...if I actually logged the garbage I eat on the weekend how much further I would be in my fitness journey!!

    I guess the first step is to admit we have a problem...I am not sure I will ever fix mine, but yes, why do we do that? Like whatever we eat doesn't exist just because we don't write it down? Really?

    I am with you...but in a different boat! Thanks for the thoughts...very helpful insight to my own shortcomings!

    This is totally my story too, although I'm still trying to shift the few extra stubborn pounds. I get lost in pub food, sweets, crips and mostly wine at weekends. I do log to an extent some weekends but then I feel so bad about putting in that pub meal (unless it was a jacket potato, which it NEVER is) I just can't bring myself to do it, although I always tell myself it's because I couldn't even hazard a guess at how many calories to log it as
  • I suppose I am confused..This site is for me..Noone else..I do this to help me. When you are not logging your food your only cheating yourself because bottom line your the only one it affects. Noone is going to sock you if you slip up..I'm new here but I am really trying hard to stick to a 1100 calorie diet. I'm doing it for me. If your not going to stick to your plan why bother. I don't really think anyone can do right all the time. A slip up once in awhile is going to happen to all of us. I really wish you good luck.
  • ccmulder5
    ccmulder5 Posts: 75 Member
    you are absolutely entitled to eat whatever you want.. we are all here on our OWN paths.. and you are doing Great! you have already lost 17lbs.. and don't have too much to go until you reach Your goal weight.. i do not consider having a burrito from taco bell or a candy bar "cheating".. you are living your life! you are obviously on here for a reason.. you get to decide what that reason is, and what YOUR goals are.. log all your food, and do it YOUR way.. or else this website is not going to work for you at all.. :)
  • RNewton4269
    RNewton4269 Posts: 663 Member
    I log everything..irregardless if it is bad for me or not...that way I hold myself accountable.
  • raerie81
    raerie81 Posts: 7
    First, I love the fact you were so honest. I can't even begin to tell you how much you sound like me! LOL
    I am 29 (30 next month AHHH) and my whole life I have been dieting and never...and I do me NEVER logged successfully. I hated it. it is also one of the reasons why I couldn't do Weight Watchers. I hated ...DESPISED counting. This time around though was different in 2008 I lost 50lbs. I moved Jersey and gained 30 of those pounds back. I have never been a yo-yo dieter so it was my first time RE-losing the weight. O-M-G this blows worst than the first time. So I tried to do things differently. A friend suggested different sites like this one and I really did fall into a routine. It makes it easier I can do it from my phone or I touch and that I am not writing or carrying around something. THAT BEING SAID....I do not journal ALL DAYS...for the most part I do but if there is a day that I do not feel like it I cut myself a break. I mean like you said you are aware of what you eat. The counting helps but if you need to give yourself a day time-out...DO IT!! Being burnt out is the reason people can't keep healthy. I also really believe what Oprah says...NEVER DIET...just change your eating habits. Being militant helps some people but not ALL. Not one thing works for everyone and anyone who tells you that is a ...DIET BULLY!!! Avoid and Ignore girlie! :)

  • evilbanks
    evilbanks Posts: 166
    My motto is 'if it works for you, use it'...........sometimes it's as simple as that.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I log every day and used to keep my diary private. I wasn't ready to open it up to the world at first, especially after reading some really awful comments on the boards here not long after I joined. I think it was a few bad seeds having a low carb vs Paleo vs clean eating debate that included people ramming their point of views down others throats and claiming everyone else was "wrong." Anyway, I soon learned that 95% of MFP are good people and I don't care about the rude/obnoxious 5%, so public I went. Not yet has anyone said a bad word about what I eat or drink (alcohol especially, lol).

    Really, if you will only log honestly when private, then keep it private. Whatever gets you to log everything you eat is the best route for you to take.
  • Hodar
    Hodar Posts: 338 Member
    If you don't log your food - isn't this whole exercise a waste of time?

    Log it, and if you are going to eat something bad - you make a concession later on the day. Sure, McD's tastes good - but if you aren't honest with yourself and log it; you don't know where you are on the calorie limit. This is how we all got big - we ate more calories than we burned; and our weight reflects this.

    So, enjoy your treats. Mine are Carmel Popcorn, ice cream and cake. I enjoy them on a regular basis - but I log my calories and make an effort to make sure that a bulk of my meals are healthy and balanced.
  • Don't beat yourself up. We have all done it. Since the 4th of July I haven't logged anything b/c I feel guilty about all the bad things I have been eating, but today I have decided to get back up and start again..

    We are going through a challenging experience trying to lose weight and get fit. We just have to keep a positive attitude and rely on others to help us when we are down.

    Just remember if you make a mistake acknowledge it and move on to the next decision your going to have to make. There is no use in dwelling on the last mistake.

    If you log what you have eaten you will know what areas you are venerable in.

    I hope this post is helpful.
  • Marig0ld
    Marig0ld Posts: 671 Member
    This is awesome. I keep mine private. This life change is for ME and not anyone else.

    I love the motivation and support of this site, and I like getting advice too...but only if I ask for it or if it's friendly and sensible. I have said before that I am an emotional eater. I have problems with anxiety and depression, and there are times when criticism can set me up for a binge. Even if the criticism is about my weight . Sounds twisted, but it's a mindset I've had for years, and one that I'm working on changing. Maybe one day I'll be ready to "go public," but for now I'm happy doing this for me and me alone.

    Besides, if someone wants to see my diary that freakin badly they can send me a message! LOL
  • amberlee2011
    amberlee2011 Posts: 129
    You, like myself and a lot of other women I know, are too hard on yourself. It’s okay to have fast food once in awhile in my book. Some people might disagree, but that’s okay. Not everyone sees eye to eye on many things in life. What’s important is that you stay on track and that you continue to feel good about yourself. If keeping your food log private is what makes you feel comfortable, then do that. I do think that most people that use this site are very understanding of how hard it is to lose weight and very few people eat just salads everyday. Everyone’s progress and journey is different and you should be proud of your success so far!
  • Mairgheal
    Mairgheal Posts: 385 Member
    To be honest, I seldom look in other people's diaries, it just doesn't interest me that much. Plus a lot of my MFP-friends are in different countries and we would not have the same food products here, so half the time I don't even know what it is they log.

    I log everyday, but sometimes, especially weekends, I find it near-impossible to log everything, just because we're out for dinner or lunch and I wouldn't have a clue about the nutritional contents. I just don't bother logging in those cases. As long as I'm accurate 80% of the time, the odd time that I don't log properly doesn't bother me.
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