I really need to try hard to be a better person

I would like to look back on at least one year of my life and not say "Gosh i wish i hadn't of done that"
Is it too late to make a new years resolution? lol

It's 20 min to midnight and i would really like to start on the new me now.


  • jmaine252
    jmaine252 Posts: 32 Member
    This is awesome! How amazing that you recognize the time to start being better is RIGHT NOW. I am so happy for you, I know you've had ups and downs, but with that frame of mind, you'll have successful, consistent gains towards your goals. Thinking how can I be better in this moment. Not how can I be better this year, or not even how can I be better today. But how can I be better RIGHT NOW? When I lift my head up from reading this comment what can I do tht will make me better?! I sense it in your post. Your their! Congratulations!!! Success will surely follow! Thanks for motivating me, add and follow me for motivational quotes, posts, recipes and more! Again, thanks, and things are going to work out just fine! Good luck!