Looking for support from Australian members - have tried MFP before!

Hi, this is my 2nd time trying MFP. The first time was quite successful but I got tired of logging all my food and during the past year I haven't had any motivation to get healthy at all. I'm trying to lose 15kgs this time which will put me at the top end of my healthy weight range. Just looking for Aussie members who want to support each other. Cheers!


  • georgieceaser
    georgieceaser Posts: 5 Member
    Oh crap think i lost my previous post

    Look im hearin ya i lost 36kgs then now just 19kgs as i got bored!

    I still log but seem to have lost my.mojo n turkey recipes do not help and it seems there is a bloody lot of those recipes lol its very American n id like more aussie produce recipes

    Wot state u live in??
  • georgieceaser
    georgieceaser Posts: 5 Member
    Sorry meant 25kgs initially