Does anyone else work from home?

If you do, how do you approach your diet/eating schedule? Usually I get super hungry around 3pm (which I could handle a lot better when I was not a few feet from the kitchen). Any advice for keeping focused and not falling victim to snacking?


  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    I'm a SAHM, I just keep busy with cleaning and such. Sometimes I forget to eat. You can always plan your meals around the time you get hungry. Meal timing is a personal decision.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    I do work from home. I no longer get the munchies after increasing protein and fiber and decreasing carbs. I make a smoothie for breakfast which has a lot of fiber, sip on it throughout the AM, and don't even start lunch until 2 or 3 PM.

    Maybe your breakfasts and lunches don't have enough calories or the macros you need for satiety?
  • Boogie_on_woman
    Boogie_on_woman Posts: 11 Member
    Great advice all, thanks! I think I just need to plan and anticipate around the time of day that I crack by allowing for calories and maybe adding more protein into my breakfast and lunch. Weight loss while WFH is definitely a lot trickier than I thought it would be! :wink:
  • moesis
    moesis Posts: 874 Member
    I work from home as well.

    My day normally starts with breakfast about 30 minutes before I start. I'll break somewhere as close to the middle of my day as I can and I will eat lunch. When I eat lunch typically I will cut up a piece of fruit to put in a bowl on my desk, this keeps me honest until I call it a day and start making dinner.

    If you find yourself getting hungry during the day, try drinking water instead of grabbing a snack. I've started keep a qt size Mason jar at my desk. Also, I do some sort of exercise every hour, with jumping jacks being my preferred. This seems to curb my appetite and makes the heart work a little each hour.

    Quite honestly I do better working from home than I ever did when I went into the office.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited October 2016
    I work from home. My desk is feet from the kitchen.

    My day starts with exercise and I delay break fast till about 11:00 everyday. I eat the same things Mon - Fri and I actually weigh out my snacks and have those ready to grab so I do not spend any time mulling around the fridge or cabinets looking for things.

    When people say weight loss starts in the kitchen, my keeps going by staying out of the kitchen as much as possible till dinner time when its time to cook for my family..

    eta: I make sure my mid morning break fast and lunch are balanced with carbs/protein/fats. I need a balance of all three to help me with satiety. And I purposefully move around every hour unless I am stuck doing something with work that delays that, but I have to move around. Sometimes I will put my walk/run shoes on and walk on the treadmill for just 10 minutes a couple of times a day.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    edited October 2016
    Great advice all, thanks! I think I just need to plan and anticipate around the time of day that I crack by allowing for calories and maybe adding more protein into my breakfast and lunch. Weight loss while WFH is definitely a lot trickier than I thought it would be! :wink:

    I don't have a problem with calories per se, but I do have a problem with steps. It's harder to find natural ways to increase steps, like using a bathroom on a different floor or parking farther away.

    I also have to be more disciplined about taking lunch and punching in and out. My coworkers take lunch at different times so there is usually someone wanting to talk to me. I have reminders on my phone and in Outlook for punching in and out.
  • MommyL2015
    MommyL2015 Posts: 1,411 Member
    I work from home. I take a lunch break around noon or 1:00, and every hour, I try to get up and walk my treadmill for 10 or so minutes, but I can't always do that. I don't have trouble with food on days where i'm busy working, it's on days I don't have work that trouble me, like today, but I do have more time for walking.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I work from home a couple times per eating schedule isn't any different than when I'm in the office...I usually have a snack around 3 or 4...I'd recommend just planning in a snack rather than mindlessly grabbing food.
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    I also find that chewing sugar free gum helps. Keeps my mouth busy while I'm working, and the minty taste of the gum is refreshing and makes anything I might snack on taste terrible. Like drinking orange juice right after brushing your teeth. ;)
  • Baddogbeanie
    Baddogbeanie Posts: 210 Member
    I use mason jars to store my premade meals and snacks for intervals during the day so as to meet my calorie goals.. Every few hours I can grab a mutitude of premeasured snacks. Works great for me.
  • yogaski83
    yogaski83 Posts: 17 Member
    I work from home also. I make sure to eat first thing in the morning and I try to move throughout the day as much as possible.

    I also get hungry around 3PM, I typically go for a walk or a jog then and have a mid-afternoon snack which helps me not be starved around dinner time. Ideally it would be a protein/fat/carb balance, and I think the key is to just be prepared.

    Since my job is very sedentary, working from home has been beneficial to my weight loss and I'm able to get around 3 workouts/day in. I have a long history (12+ years) of eating disorders so I really need to make sure that I'm moving enough and eating a sustainable amount of calories.

    Good luck!
  • Boogie_on_woman
    Boogie_on_woman Posts: 11 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    Great advice all, thanks! I think I just need to plan and anticipate around the time of day that I crack by allowing for calories and maybe adding more protein into my breakfast and lunch. Weight loss while WFH is definitely a lot trickier than I thought it would be! :wink:

    I don't have a problem with calories per se, but I do have a problem with steps. It's harder to find natural ways to increase steps, like using a bathroom on a different floor or parking farther away.

    I also have to be more disciplined about taking lunch and punching in and out. My coworkers take lunch at different times so there is usually someone wanting to talk to me. I have reminders on my phone and in Outlook for punching in and out.

    I'm right there with you. I thought I'd have so much freedom and work out so much more when working from home. But I feel way more chained to my computer now that I work from home. If I don't force myself to get up and take breaks - I can easily work through the whole day without even moving - it's scary.
  • raven56706
    raven56706 Posts: 918 Member
    what jobs do you do and how does one get a job like that? i would love working from home full time
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    Every time I have to leave my desk to go to the bathroom or get something to drink, I do twenty laps of the house before sitting down again. That's become so normal for me! You *have* to force yourself to get up and move around. I find those little breaks for a stretch and a bit of exercise have become an important part of my day. :)
  • SusanMFindlay
    SusanMFindlay Posts: 1,804 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    Great advice all, thanks! I think I just need to plan and anticipate around the time of day that I crack by allowing for calories and maybe adding more protein into my breakfast and lunch. Weight loss while WFH is definitely a lot trickier than I thought it would be! :wink:

    I don't have a problem with calories per se, but I do have a problem with steps. It's harder to find natural ways to increase steps, like using a bathroom on a different floor or parking farther away.

    I also have to be more disciplined about taking lunch and punching in and out. My coworkers take lunch at different times so there is usually someone wanting to talk to me. I have reminders on my phone and in Outlook for punching in and out.

    My husband works from home, and he makes a concerted effort to go for a walk at lunch to help with the steps issue. We also make the kids go for a walk with us after dinner.
  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    raven56706 wrote: »
    what jobs do you do and how does one get a job like that? i would love working from home full time

    I got a rich husband. :laugh:
  • courtneyfabulous
    courtneyfabulous Posts: 1,863 Member
    Snacking is fine- I always have a snack around 3pm. You just need to make sure it fits into your calories for the day.

    And yes I work from home. I find just sticking to a certain eating schedule makes it easier and learn what meals, snacks, and foods work to hit my calories and macro goals.

    I do:
    Small breakfast
    Small to medium morning snack
    Afternoon snack or protein shake
    Second afternoon snack if I want it
    Sweet treat after dinner

    I usually still come in at or under my calorie goal. All my meals are pretty small portions and most include protein.

    Why are you afraid to have a snack in the afternoon? There's a long gap between lunch and dinner, most people have a snack then.
  • Boogie_on_woman
    Boogie_on_woman Posts: 11 Member
    Snacking is fine- I always have a snack around 3pm. You just need to make sure it fits into your calories for the day.

    And yes I work from home. I find just sticking to a certain eating schedule makes it easier and learn what meals, snacks, and foods work to hit my calories and macro goals.

    I do:
    Small breakfast
    Small to medium morning snack
    Afternoon snack or protein shake
    Second afternoon snack if I want it
    Sweet treat after dinner

    I usually still come in at or under my calorie goal. All my meals are pretty small portions and most include protein.

    Why are you afraid to have a snack in the afternoon? There's a long gap between lunch and dinner, most people have a snack then.

    I snack! I can usually stay right on track with eating until about 3pm when my energy is crashing - and then I find myself ravenously searching for carbs.
  • lissmayer
    lissmayer Posts: 86 Member
    raven56706 wrote: »
    what jobs do you do and how does one get a job like that? i would love working from home full time

    I'm a writer. I busted my *kitten* writing for fractions of pennies for a couple years until I broke into a well-paying niche field. Best. Job. Ever.