Night time overindulgers



  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    jmbarragan wrote: »
    I agree. I like to save calories for the end of the day but not always so good at doing that. I feel like it is my reward for a hard day or any day. I just really look forward to it. However, I'm not so good at doing this so I am grateful for this posting and anyone's suggestions who has been successful at losing weight and eating most of their calories after 5 pm

    There are plenty of people on this site who eat all or most of their calories at a specific time of the day. You might do a search on intermittent fasting.

    The only way to be successful with waiting until after 5pm to eat most of your calories, though, is if you are always good about not eating them earlier in the day. At the very least, if you do eat some earlier you must account for those and subtract them from what you can eat after 5pm. It sounds simplistic but it's really important.
  • emilysusana
    emilysusana Posts: 416 Member
    edited October 2016
    I don't think keeping junk out of the house works. You have to have treats you can afford to eat and eat them when you get your munchies. I have to eat something after my three little one go to bed. It's a ritual I've tried fighting and failed to kick. I've found two snacks whose calories I can live with: slow-churned ice cream (110 calories per 1/2 cup) and popcorn (about 70 calories for a big bowl of the kind i buy). Some nights I don't need both. Some nights I have extra calories left so I indulge in something else. The key is to plan this eating ahead of time, not to fight it.
  • aliblain
    aliblain Posts: 175 Member
    I'm doing 18:6 intermittent fasting and have found it the best thing to curb night time overindulgence. Basically I'm 'not allowed' to eat after my feeding window which is usually 12 noon-6pm. I find having a self imposed rule to be helpful to my willpower. Also, eating most of my calories towards the end of the day means I go to bed feeling satisfied.
  • svellela
    svellela Posts: 5 Member
    I personally enjoy eating more at night (: I always eat dinner late around 9 due to not wanting to go to bed hungry! I have a low cal lunch and munch on cereal or pretzels throughout the day to hold me over (: this way when night hits especially after workouts I don't have to worry about eating over my macros ! I eat dessert every night and it fits every time
  • queensamearh
    queensamearh Posts: 31 Member
    I'm in the same boat ⛵️. Trying to break this habit.
  • jo_nz
    jo_nz Posts: 548 Member
    The problem I have is going to bed hungry. I eat dinner early, like around 6 o'clock. Many times I don't fall asleep until 11. By 11, I'm hungry again, and ignoring it doesn't work. I will not be able to fall asleep until I eat something. I don't have any junk food in the house, so I'm usually grabbing one or two apples, some peppers with hummus, or just something along those lines. But will the hunger ever go away? I know many people don't eat after 7 or 8 o'clock. I want to be one of those people lol. What the hell do I need to do to get that hunger to go away???

    We eat early too - I have 2 school aged kids, we eat at 6 and they are in bed by 7.30pm (depending on extra-curricular activities). Eating dinner later is not an alternative that would work for me right now.

    I find I am better to have a small breakfast and fairly small lunch and a big dinner (I love a big, satisfying serve of what everyone else is eating so it works for me). After dinner I try not to have too much, but will go for a piece of fruit and a small serve of cheese, or a biscuit.
    We usually have a hot drink (cup of tea) in the evening too which helps keep the hunger away.
  • herculesmulligan
    herculesmulligan Posts: 6 Member
    I love to snack at night; whether I have a light dinner or a really hearty meal, I want a snack after. So I just plan for it, and try to choose lower calorie snacks (so I can eat more). My favourite is popcorn so I buy SkinnyPop or brands like that (I have an air popper but it barely works, or I'd pop my own). Generally though I don't start eating until after noon each day and I usually like a light lunch anyways. So it works for me to save my calories and snack at night.
  • MarkR_2013
    MarkR_2013 Posts: 43 Member
    Right here. I've got the end of the day cleaning, which is mostly kitchen stuff. Lot's of snack food around, overtired, feeling dumped on, and bored out of my freakin skull means comfort eating.
  • Katamondango
    Katamondango Posts: 10 Member
    If you tend to be hungrier at night, adjust your calorie intake during the rest of the day to accommodate it.

    I have also always preferred to eat more towards the end of my wake cycle. I lost 150 lbs with a significant portion of my daily caloric intake done in the 5 hours prior to sleeping.

    (And then regained 25 througha year of mindless snacking, which is why I'm giving MFP a try :( ).
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    I tend to eat at night too so I skip a meal, or limit their sizes to accommodate that. I love a small bowl of nuts in the evening when I read. Add dark chocolate and it is a lovely treat, although too high in calories to just tack on at the end of the day.