Turning 50 Soon...

kimj Posts: 2
edited September 19 in Introduce Yourself
And I'm wanting to fight back! I allowed myself to indulge my sweet tooth too much & to break my exercise routine. I know I have a relatively poor diet & that I'm doing myself no favors at this point. My birthday is in April & I'd like to make a tangible change by then. I just started picking up some light regular exercise, quit drinking soda, started drinking more water & am trying to tame the tooth....From something sweet every day, to less once a week. I began this routine 3 weeks ago & I'm feeling a little more encouraged at this point. Then low & behold, my Mom said a friend of hers had great luck with this program. I just got here, so I'm looking forward to the support & ideas. PS...Yes, I'm in menopause too, for about three years now. What the heck happened to my flat belly!? I've got a pot I can't drop. Is that acai seed & colon rinse that seems to be the buzz right now safe or effective? All the sudden it's being mentioned all over. Anyone have experience with it? I won't take diet pills, etc... Just very motivated right now to make some changes. Thanks!


  • kimj
    kimj Posts: 2
    And I'm wanting to fight back! I allowed myself to indulge my sweet tooth too much & to break my exercise routine. I know I have a relatively poor diet & that I'm doing myself no favors at this point. My birthday is in April & I'd like to make a tangible change by then. I just started picking up some light regular exercise, quit drinking soda, started drinking more water & am trying to tame the tooth....From something sweet every day, to less once a week. I began this routine 3 weeks ago & I'm feeling a little more encouraged at this point. Then low & behold, my Mom said a friend of hers had great luck with this program. I just got here, so I'm looking forward to the support & ideas. PS...Yes, I'm in menopause too, for about three years now. What the heck happened to my flat belly!? I've got a pot I can't drop. Is that acai seed & colon rinse that seems to be the buzz right now safe or effective? All the sudden it's being mentioned all over. Anyone have experience with it? I won't take diet pills, etc... Just very motivated right now to make some changes. Thanks!
  • kasuki
    kasuki Posts: 74 Member
    Hello and welcome.
    I started this program right after I turned 50. I spent the first half of my life overweight and didn't want the second half to be the same. As you can see by my ticker I lost 62 lbs in about 7 months and have been maintaning since then. You can do this. If you have the mindset and are really ready for a change for the better, it will happen. Alot of my friends that are overweight always say to me I wish I could lose weight like you did but they never really even try and then complain about it. You can't just wish it away, you have to actually do something about it, make a plan and then stick with it. It may not happen as fast as you would like, but everyday that you don't over indulge puts you one day closer to your goal. Think about it that way, one day at a time and the days add up and soon a month is gone and so are some of the pounds. Good Luck.
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Hello there and welcome to MFP. I just wanted to tell you good luck with your weight loss journey and you can do this.
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