Starting out.... a bit nervous....

About Me

I am a married mother of a 14yr old son, 7 yr old daughter, and my furr baby Lola who is 2 (cat). My family has a history of high blood pressure at very young age. I too am following in my families footsteps. Currently am under doctor supervision and having to take weekly readings and log them to be reviewed. I have been charting since April 2011. My next apt is in 6 months and Dr. told me to lose 20lbs. He was about to put me on meds but offered give me 6 more months.. ( of course if HBP gets worse I have to contact them and get on meds ). I want to live a Healthy Long Life, Want to still be around for my children, Want to have those "golden years" with my hubby and Tired of hating how I feel in photos and in mirrors!

Looking forward to getting to know everyone


  • Fochizzy
    Fochizzy Posts: 505 Member
    Well this is a good first step. Take life a day at a time, remember to forgive yourself when you go astray. Make friends and perservere. Friend me if you like ^_^
  • chichi_76
    chichi_76 Posts: 30
    I am hoping to make lots of new WL friends and that we can help support each other on this journey
  • hotpot83
    hotpot83 Posts: 88
    Lots and lots of luck to you hun, your in the very best place here.. we'll all support you as much as we can :) feel free to add me hun
  • Cccaroline
    Cccaroline Posts: 196 Member
    This site is great, and I find mutual support from my friends really does help. Good luck with your weight loss. Feel free to add me if you like:)
  • Sunibc22
    Sunibc22 Posts: 330
    Welcome. This site is full of information, advice and support!!! It's a great place to start any new healthier journey!!! Just take it one day at a time and don't get to upset if you fall off the wagon.....we're here to help pick you back up!!!

    Feel free to add me for some added support!
