
Has anyone ever tried contrave? Thought? Did it help? How did it made you feel?


  • GettinFit4my3
    GettinFit4my3 Posts: 15 Member
    My dr prescribed it for me but it almost instantly makes me tired, dizzy and light headed.
  • elsapm
    elsapm Posts: 51 Member
    It worked for me for about 6 months or so, I was able to lose about 20lbs. Then it just suddenly stopped working.
  • magicherry
    magicherry Posts: 81 Member
    elsapm wrote: »
    It worked for me for about 6 months or so, I was able to lose about 20lbs. Then it just suddenly stopped working.

    Same here. But here is the worst thing: i now have gall bladder disease. In addition to screwing with your intestines like other opioids, it can mess with your gall bladder and bile ducts. With gall bladder problems docs often recommend stopping opioid intake to limit the pain and nasuea of gall bladder problems.(worst pain I have ever been in, six hours of agony)

    I'm due to see a GI surgeon soon. Until then I'm stopping the Contrave. I can't spend another night in the ER with an aggravated gall bladder.