Maximum Daily Sodium?

Does anyone know how much sodium a day is okay?

Also, is anyone cutting out sugar completely from their diet - or is this a myth?

Thanks for your help :flowerforyou:


  • sharonuk10
    sharonuk10 Posts: 277
    Max sodium is what MFP gives you I believe. as for the sugar there is no way to completely cut out sugar as it is in so many things including milk and fruit. You should however endevour to cut out processed/refined sugars.
  • www_getfitrx_com
    These are all person-dependent ...

    For me ... sodium and sugar are the killer ... either of them resulting in MAGICAL weight gain.

    So I limit my sodium to less than 2,000mg a day IF I am exercising ... If not ... I cut it down to 1500mg ... no sweat = less salt

    Sugar? Well, I did the Atkins diet for 5 years and lost 100lbs ... so it works ... BUT it was VERY unhealthy and I believe I damaged my body horribly ... but to each their own ... I am now a vegan most days and vegetarian others ... and having been through it all and 160 lbs lost ... I think vegetarian is the way to go ... I feel so energetic and vibrant on this diet ...
  • TimTamGirl
    TimTamGirl Posts: 20
    Thanks for the help.

    I'll try and keep them as low as possible.

    Cheers :wink: