Ok folks here we go...

Ok folks here we go....after waiting and making excuses, i am here..290 pounds needs to go the hell away and get me to a nice 200! No more playing games, I am pissed off and have seen this coming - Need as much motivation as i can get....should be simple RIGHT?


  • tamsrule
    tamsrule Posts: 9
    way to go!!! you can do it!
  • quitmakingexcuses
    quitmakingexcuses Posts: 906 Member
    It won't be simple but it sure as hell will be rewarding! Good luck! :)
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    ....should be simple RIGHT?

    ^^^ It IS simple, but it's not quick! If you want to do it the healthy and sustainable way just remember the most important things are having patience and being consistent. It's totally do-able...and fun. (At least it has been for me!) :flowerforyou:
  • guyonthego
    guyonthego Posts: 23
    Thanks for the support - totally didn't expect that!
  • Lejavu
    Lejavu Posts: 5
    awesome!! You can do this. No one ever said that it would be easy, they just said it would be worth it! Good luck! We're here for you!
  • KetoMomRN
    KetoMomRN Posts: 72 Member
    Weight loss is simple, right? haha yes and no. Yes in the fact that eating right and moving aka exercising makes sense. No in the sense that there are so many bad things out there that are just so yummy! Weight loss takes time and will power but you CAN do it! Just remember, one day at a time and don't cringe if you happen to have one bad day. Set some mini-goals for motivation! Welcome to MFP!