Total struggle bus at the moment

So I need some motivation over here! I lost around 40 lbs a couple years ago and gained all back plus some. Last year I started doing better again and lost 20 lbs. Now I am just struggling. I feel like I eat well part of the week and gym probably 3 days per week on average. Any time I give myself a break... Aka weekends.. I totally fall back into eating too much. From those breaks a gained a few lbs back yet again.. I just want to get back into the grind of eating well and actually losing weight not maintaining or gaining. I'm pretty short and still have weight to lose before my wedding next year. Amy suggestions? My fiancé and I are attempting to quit all bad habits for 21 days to make it a habit. Any thoughts?


  • Ant488
    Ant488 Posts: 372 Member
    Feel free to add me.
  • smite114
    smite114 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm in the same boat! I'll add you, I go to the gym but seem to always fall off the wagon with my eating!
  • Yes I mean generally I do eat pretty healthily I guess what I mean is to stop splurging as much as I do. I want to stay between 1200-1500 calories per day. Again, generally I am around there maybe 1600-1700 some days. It is my weekends that ruin me. I give weekends as an excuse and that is what I need to change!
  • BarbaraJatmfp
    BarbaraJatmfp Posts: 463 Member
    Why do you splurge on the weekends? Are you out with friends? or just two unstructured days?

    I had trouble getting back on track after gaining a lot back. What has helped me is to weigh every day. If I know I am going to have to look at that scale tomorrow, I sure am careful about what I eat today.
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    Look at working on .5 lbs a week loss and going by weekly calories rather than daily, this should help keep you on track.

    When you workout eat back some, if not all, of your exercise calories- your body needs the fuel.

    Yoyo dieting can lower your BMR slightly as every time you go down you lose some muscle, and every time you go up, unless purposefully working on muscle retention, you gain more fat than muscle.

    Eventually, at the same start weight. you have more fat than muscle than the first time you tried to lose weight, and it is muscle that will help you burn calories.

    Find food that you like, eat less of it, work out if you can, and stick to a manageable weekly weight loss goal so you won't have to do it again.

    Cheers, h.
  • Thanks everyone. It's a mix or relaxing and going out. Or when we run out of groceries is when it starts to spiral! Currently I'm trying to do 21 days. I heard it helps make everything a habit. Everyday I need to eat well and go to the gym, the one exception is if I can only do one of the two one day I HAVE to do both the next. So that means I should never go two days without both eating healthy and doing some exercise. This is the hope that I will change my lifestyle and make these more habit than anything else.
  • Ally498
    Ally498 Posts: 1 Member
    I have the same problem! During the week I have a pretty good routine and stay under my calories. And go to the gym usually 3 or 4 times. I usually lose 2 pounds during the week but somehow I end up eating more and more unhealthy foods as well as having drinks with friends and end up gaining some of those 2 lbs back over the weekend. The first month I lost 10 lbs easily and now I feel that I am just maintaining and getting frustrated!