Not giving up

I've been at a constant up and down with my weight. I lose a few pounds, then I gain them back. I lack the motivation for some reason, but this time I really really want to make it stick. I want to be comfortable in my own body. So here's to not giving up. Wish me luck, and I wish everyone luck on their journeys.


  • Rangjew
    Rangjew Posts: 12 Member
    Best of luck in your journey!
  • courtneyfabulous
    courtneyfabulous Posts: 1,863 Member
    Do you lack motivation or are you using the wrong methods?

    So many I see here fail because they think of weight loss as something that is temporary and something that must be done as quickly as possible... either of these attitudes will mean ultimate failure.

    And many make efforts they think are correct because it's what they've been told their while lives to do (crazy amounts of exercise, as few calories as possible), but in fact are the completely wrong things to do! I was one of them, I know.

    I wish you luck as well, stay committed, stay consistent, and take it slow and be gentle with yourself. Weight loss is not a race.
  • Kaz3369
    Kaz3369 Posts: 11 Member
    I start off motivated, but then lose focus. The worst thing for me is running out of calories but still needing to eat something. Going to try harder this time!
  • courtneyfabulous
    courtneyfabulous Posts: 1,863 Member
    If you're still hungry eat more. You probably have your calorie goal set too low. Make sure your weight loss rate is only set for like 1/2 pound a week or max 1 pound a week. Only very obese individuals can achieve 2 pounds of loss a week and yet girls with only 20 pounds to lose always try to use that setting. Ugh.

    Also don't set your goal weight unrealistically low. Like I was able to get down to 126 in my early 20s, but that was when I was on a crazy diet and not working out (so no muscle). I'm in my mid 30s now and I know 140 is about the best I can hope for.

    Also high fiber low calorie foods help- that way you feel fuller on the same amount of calories. Adding a bunch of lettuce and cucumber to a sandwich adds almost no calories but lots of volume. Greens and veggies are your friend. Choose berries or melon instead of high calorie sweets- you can have like a huge bowl of fruit for the same calories as 1 small candy bar. Drink lots of water too.
  • courtneyfabulous
    courtneyfabulous Posts: 1,863 Member
    Work smarter not harder ;)
  • Kaz3369
    Kaz3369 Posts: 11 Member
    That's a great help, thanks.