New Idea for Constructive Criticism - Pay it Forward

BessSometimesJess Posts: 4 Member
edited October 2016 in Motivation and Support
Hi all.
I am looking for ways to keep motivated and had a thought about a new motivation idea we could all do that would really help.

I have made a new group called 'Pay it Forward - Monday Constructive Feedback from Strangers'

Basically every member in the group chooses a random stranger, they then look at their previous 7 days and send a message telling them frankly and honestly what they could improve on. (But nicely and without any hate, obviously).

In return they will get a message from a random stranger each Monday.

Doing this with random strangers instead of friends means that we don't 'pussyfoot' about. We may end up giving out advice we often know we should take ourselves too.

It is IMPORTANT to stress that this isn't a group encouraging hate or mean criticism.
Examples of things to say:
"I've noticed you've eaten a lot of bread this week, perhaps try this recipe instead..."
"You've not logged your water intake, maybe that could be useful, especially as your diet includes salty foods like..."
"Good job on walking everyday! That's 'X' calories lost. That's the same amount as that chocolate bar on Wednesday ;)"

See what I mean? What do you think?


  • octopusplum
    octopusplum Posts: 46 Member
    I can see where this would be super helpful for a lot of people, and I can see where this might go off the rails with how sensitive we can be about our weight loss / health / fitness journies.

    It's a nice idea, I say go for it. :)
  • Sira125
    Sira125 Posts: 152 Member
    Any idea how to help balance out the volume? So no one gets a ton of help while others get none?
  • BessSometimesJess
    BessSometimesJess Posts: 4 Member
    edited October 2016
    That sounds like a disaster in the making. Too many sensitive folks around these parts.

    My hope is that with it being 'opt in, opt out' it would mean that if it's not for you you simply leave the group (or never join in the first place).

    Some folks (like me) need a bit of tough love now and then though so it could be really beneficial.
  • BessSometimesJess
    Sira125 wrote: »
    Any idea how to help balance out the volume? So no one gets a ton of help while others get none?

    I need to figure that one out. I'm not too sure just yet, but a rule 'only message someone once' should mean more variety over time.
  • AllSpiceNice
    AllSpiceNice Posts: 120 Member
    Yikes - this is why I keep my diary private. I have seen great advice from some of the users on MFP! But I also see some truly awful advice, broscience, thinly disguised sales pitches, and everything in between.

    I know you mean well. Maybe this would be helpful to some. I would not appreciate unsolicited "constructive criticism" from an unknown source who doesn't know me or my specific situation.
  • BessSometimesJess
    Guess I'll leave it then.
    Shame that there's so much negativity on here, I didn't realise.
  • AllSpiceNice
    AllSpiceNice Posts: 120 Member
    Not negative - just trying to share a different perspective on this concept. :-)

    Good luck with your weight loss journey!
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    My issue with this is the assumption that the criticism would be constructive. You only have to look around page 1 of the recent threads to see that people have verrrry different ideas of what is necessary and i only imagine that some poor poster, looking for constructive feedback would be bombarded with messages telling them to eat less carbs, more carbs, no sugar, no meat, not after 7, not for more than a 6 hour window not on Tuesdays where the moon is full and so on and so forth.

    I just imagine that even the people who opt in with the best intentions would get little from it in practicality.
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    Reading this while eating lemon meringue pie. Come at me bro!

    OP, I understand where you are coming from, but there is so much dieting misinformation out there, that it would only take a few "you shouldn't be eating so much bread" or "you need to cut out all fruits and sugars" for the whole thing to turn into virtual throat punch Thursday.

    If you have a bunch of like-minded peopke, it could work well. But my idea of healthy could vary considerably from yours, and others. That would be the challenge. As for making sure each person gets a message, a rotating roster would work. Keep moving down the list.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    edited October 2016
    nutmegoreo wrote: »
    Reading this while eating lemon meringue pie. Come at me bro!
    Only if you share that delicious pie... :)

  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    Guess I'll leave it then.
    Shame that there's so much negativity on here, I didn't realise.

    Disagreement does not equal negativity. This idea does not work for many of the reasons already listed. Butt hurt, bad advice, etc etc.