I lied

I lied whenever I posted a picture online- with the special angles that hide my double chin, chubby cheeks, and body cropped.
I lied whenever I returned from the dressing room to put a piece of clothing to put back on the rack- it wasn't that I just didn't like the color, it didn't fit.
I lied to my nutritionist- I did know why the weight wasn't coming off.
I lied to my friends- I wasn't full from earlier, I was embarrassed to eat in front of them.
I lied when I shopped- this bag of salad I've bought for 12 weeks in a row wasn't going to be eaten.
I lied to everyone about my weight and my clothing size- I was almost passing 300 pounds, not 250.
I lied to myself- I wasn't going to start tomorrow, that meal was THAT bad, and I'm not okay being this size.
I'm tired of lying. I'm tired of being the fat chick. Things are changing and I'm taking responsibility for my weight and health.

Hi! I have lost 7 pounds since starting last week, this is the first time I've ever really been serious about changing. I'm looking to lose 100+ pounds. My plan is nothing fancy, just tons of water and fewer calories, I'm not perfect so I may slip up along the way but I WILL do this. So if you're looking for an imperfect friend- add me :)


  • tress29
    tress29 Posts: 614 Member
    You have a good attitude! Isn't being honest with ourselves the hardest (first) step?
  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,301 Member
    All the very best. Keep on holding yourself to account.
  • cqbkaju
    cqbkaju Posts: 1,011 Member
    edited October 2016
    Good for you. Don't give up and you will get there.
    Just take it one week at a time.
  • JoenDeb1958
    JoenDeb1958 Posts: 229 Member
    I lied whenever I posted a picture online- with the special angles that hide my double chin, chubby cheeks, and body cropped.
    I lied whenever I returned from the dressing room to put a piece of clothing to put back on the rack- it wasn't that I just didn't like the color, it didn't fit.
    I lied to my nutritionist- I did know why the weight wasn't coming off.
    I lied to my friends- I wasn't full from earlier, I was embarrassed to eat in front of them.
    I lied when I shopped- this bag of salad I've bought for 12 weeks in a row wasn't going to be eaten.
    I lied to everyone about my weight and my clothing size- I was almost passing 300 pounds, not 250.
    I lied to myself- I wasn't going to start tomorrow, that meal was THAT bad, and I'm not okay being this size.
    I'm tired of lying. I'm tired of being the fat chick. Things are changing and I'm taking responsibility for my weight and health.

    Hi! I have lost 7 pounds since starting last week, this is the first time I've ever really been serious about changing. I'm looking to lose 100+ pounds. My plan is nothing fancy, just tons of water and fewer calories, I'm not perfect so I may slip up along the way but I WILL do this. So if you're looking for an imperfect friend- add me :)

    Add me we can inspire each other
  • FatChickToNotSoFatChick
    FatChickToNotSoFatChick Posts: 27 Member
    edited October 2016
    Thanks everyone! Good luck to you all :)
  • 34jnr
    34jnr Posts: 20 Member
    I've been there and it can be a roller coaster. Great job and keep at it! The end result is worth the difficult journey, and it gets easier.
  • jenniferbradfordgoss
    Love this. You are me! Add me if you'd like. I'm down almost 60 lbs but I have LOTS more to go. We've got this!!!
  • ladyskier
    ladyskier Posts: 2 Member
    i absolutely loved the honesty in your post. i got on this morning and am starting today on my weight loss journey (60 lbs)...it was exactly what i needed to hear. thank you! and good luck :smile:
  • asrai50
    asrai50 Posts: 937 Member
    Good for you! A couple of years ago I lost 135 pounds. I wasnt at goal...I still need to lose at least another 70. I let life get in the way.I was in grad school and it became a good excuse to slide back into old habits. I promptly gained back almost 50 pounds of what I had lost. Its hard to be honest with other people sometimes, but even harder to be honest with yourself. So here I am again...being inspired this morning by your post. Love to be added by anyone :smiley:
  • MeganCannon
    MeganCannon Posts: 29 Member
    You can do this!
    Admitting you are not okay with how you are now is the first step but it is not the hardest. Doing it the next day is the hardest. You can do it though! Just keep moving!
  • DeviatedNorm
    DeviatedNorm Posts: 422 Member
    When I started MFP one of the biggest things I had to learn to accept was how much I was lying...to myself.

    It was so easy for me to pretend I hadn't eaten all that bad recently, because I had a whole meal and a snack that was okay, and thus I deserved a treat. Those treats would add up and were the reason why I was fat in the first place. Good job acknowledging your lies and learning to change them!
  • cbusnightowl
    cbusnightowl Posts: 132 Member
    I <3 this post
  • Califlower71
    Califlower71 Posts: 5 Member
    Love this!! I know what you mean! I'm new to here but have tried this journey for years starting 322 down to 260 then back I have had some major health issues and lost my mom to colon cancer and doc is worried about me so for the kids and myself I have decided no more lies this IS going to work this time we stopped all fast food and eat at home only now so far we have cut out half of the usual processed foods.. Working on the other half of time but taking steps I am now at 272 with alot of muscle and loose skin..i am starting to like my appearance for once in my life..i only get to do walking as exercise but it's working.. I hated walking now I love it.... I still have a way to go to get under 200..wanting to get to 180..but this time seems to be sticking.. And I'm proud of myself.. Be proud of yourself for this step.. Would love some friends to keep me going to feel free to add me.. Anyone!
  • Hakers344
    Hakers344 Posts: 30 Member
    Hey girly, what an amazing post....well done you. Sound like ur plan re water and calories is perfect, nothing fancy just honest and true. Add me and hopefully we can support each other.
  • burtongary67
    burtongary67 Posts: 9 Member
    Add me if you like