Intense letter to myself from 2013.

Options Posts: 18 Member
edited October 2016 in Chit-Chat
I just thought i'd bare a bit of my soul, i read it today and it seems significant.

For context, Drew was my best friend for several years.

Dear Kat

You feel like crap. Your personal life has gone to the dogs, you have no aspirations and no confidence. Your stomach is full of crap food, that is making you fat, lethargic and depressed. You feel lost. You don't know what to do and you feel like everything to try is wrong. Your friends are trying to help, but they can't fix it for you. They can't make you happy.

You deserve to feel good. You might not believe that right now, but you do. You deserve to be healthy too. Not because you want to be around for others, not because you want to look good, or wear a dress, or be considered attractive. You want to FEEL good, from your bones to your struggling smile.

I know you're sad because Drew died. Drew died. Drew DIED. Eating yourself to death won't change that. You need to discover why you really want to be healthy. The image of fat clogged arteries disgusts you. I know you don't want to be diabetic. I know you don't want to undo all your good work so far. You need to find you again.

I know that your fat has always protected you. Fat was hope. I know that you hoped that if you were fat, men would leave you alone, you would be safe. Things that had happened to you before wouldn't happen again, because no one would possibly find you attractive. The blunt reality is, that doesn't work. If you let the people who hurt you drag you down and keep you unhealthy, they win.

You need to win. You need to WIN.


Thanks for reading ya'll :)


    @138shades that's amazing! I've kept a diary since I was 6 so i have a lot of things I can re read. it's really useful! Thanks for commenting :)
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    I hope you're winning now.
    @JeromeBarry1 I'm back in the ring, which is a good place to be when you want to win :) thank you <3
  • styledsky
    styledsky Posts: 121 Member
    That must have been tough to write, and possibly even harder to read depending on where you are with your life. Hopefully you are winning now.
    @styledsky thank you. it was hard to do both. I think i'm in a better place now but it's all a work in progress :)
  • cbro70
    cbro70 Posts: 224 Member
    You are winning and that is awesome. You look amazing and I hope you feel the same. It is hard going through stuff like that, I have lost many close friends, Army friends and almost my whole family over the years so I know how it feels. The best part is you changed and decided to not let it get you down, that's the way to go !!!
    thanks for your support @cbro70 :)
  • cbro70
    cbro70 Posts: 224 Member
    You are so welcome
    @total_e I haven't deleted anything did you post something?
    it's an MFP glitch, no user profiles are working right now
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,503 Member
    I wrote myself a letter.

    It was filled with four letter words and suggestions that if carried out would have broken several laws of physics.