Anyone have over 50 lbs to lose?

I'm a mother of two, a 5 yr old nd a 8 week old, trying to stay motivated on my journey. Reached my ultimate high this year, 261... Looking to get to 165, or 150 but the large amount of weight I have to lose is kind of discouraging! Im currently 242, wanted to know what fitness plans and eating habits others who have alot to lose are trying! Really looking to lose 2 pounds a week! 3 if possible


  • PixelPuff
    PixelPuff Posts: 901 Member
    I'm a huge example of "Don't be in a hurry". I've lost just over 100lbs... I am quite tiny now, and love that. Turns out I have a small frame. BUT.

    And this is a huge but. Don't be in a hurry. While it would be nice to see the pounds melt away, think of your skin. I don't mind my stretch marks [really like lil scars], but the EXTRA SKIN. Argh. That'll take time to heal, IF it does. I have visible hip bones, and a giant, albiet mostly flat, wrinkle tummy. Don't even get me started on my ex-FUPA, thighs, or butt.

    It was nice to lose the weight. Would I have traded extra time to NOT have the extra skin wrinkles? Hell yes. It would cost me $13,000 just to have an abdominoplasty to remove my extra skin on the stomach. Not even fix the thighs/butt. All out of pocket, as insurance won't cover this since it is just cosmetic.

    Slow and steady definitely wins the race in this case.
  • ummaymb1
    ummaymb1 Posts: 2 Member
    Yes I have over 50 pounds to lose, I hope I lose it all soon :p
  • ummaymb1
    ummaymb1 Posts: 2 Member
    Add me if you're trying to lose weight. It'll be more motivating for the both of us and we can see how we're doing .
  • mrmagicj
    mrmagicj Posts: 2 Member
    I have alot more than 50 left to goal is around 185 i'm currently at 278. I started at 320 in june of this year and have had some success with low carb and intermittent fasting. Got a long way to go but will keep at it.
  • orsonsmith
    orsonsmith Posts: 5 Member
    I`ve got well over 100 to lose. Pregnancy has put me way over where I ever thought I would be. But my baby is now 9 months and I`m still gaining, so I can`t really use that as an excuse anymore. I really need some help to get me motivated.
  • Melionfire
    Melionfire Posts: 343 Member
    I have about 60 pounds left to lose and I have already lost 12. I have a 3 year old girl and a baby girl that will be 4 months on the 15th. I am trying to build healthy eating habits so I stick to it. Controlling portion sizes has really helped me. I never realized how I just matched my husbands eating habits which really doesn't work!!! I have been on many diets and have had success in the past but ultimately gained everything back because I couldn't keep up with the restrictive way I had been eating. So now I tell myself there are no forbidden foods and somehow my cravings are under control. Funny since it is pretty much reverse psychology. I workout most days just because I love it. Try to get 30 minutes alternating between resistance and cardio and I also get a walk in whenever I can. I have a lot of workout DVDs and also use th videos on fitness blender a lot. I use Pinterest every day to find healthier versions of my favourite recipes and this has also helped my husband lose 15 without effort. I am a little jealous of that but he has a physical job. All in all to cut this long reply short, make changes you know you can sustain and take your time like everyone else has said. If you are indeed in a Calorie deficit and doing some physical activity, pounds will come off. You can add me if you want.
  • crzycatlady1
    crzycatlady1 Posts: 1,930 Member
    I'm on the other side of things, have lost 50ish pounds and now am several years into maintenance. Just focus on keeping things simple -eat at an appropriate calorie deficit and continue to eat the foods you enjoy with small, positive changes that are sustainable long term :)
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    I'm on the other side of things, have lost 50ish pounds and now am several years into maintenance. Just focus on keeping things simple -eat at an appropriate calorie deficit and continue to eat the foods you enjoy with small, positive changes that are sustainable long term :)

    Me too

    And so much this
  • siraphine
    siraphine Posts: 185 Member
    edited October 2016
    Hey! I'm in the same boat as you :) My highest is 262 -- one pound off! I started a little over a week ago and I'm down to 259.8. Currently in a little bit of a plateau but trying to be patient until the end of the week.
  • tuddy315
    tuddy315 Posts: 11,411 Member
    I've lost 54 since January. I agree that it is all about slow and easy. Logging my food has been the biggest asset to me because I know someone else is watching (my niece). Still have at lease 45more to go but I am determined to do this. I'm 63 and it is WAY past time to get it off. Just keep your mind focused on doing it no matter how long it takes. Good luck!! YOU CAN DO IT
  • Retakesfitness
    Retakesfitness Posts: 22 Member
    Im not sure if I can respond individually to you all lol new to this but thank you for the motivation! So true that slow and steady is key!
  • Icrizz
    Icrizz Posts: 69 Member
    A tip for the discouraging part: Try having smaller goals. Like 5-10 pounds at a time. It let's you feel achievement and might give you more motivation ☺
  • hazcad
    hazcad Posts: 41 Member
    I don't have a goal weight as such, just a healthy look and feel. But I am 280lbs an I do wish to lose a fair amount.

    I'm currently macro counting and it's been the only thing that's actually worked for me, counting what goes in my body from each source (carbs,fat,protein) is best for me.
    I also workout at the gym 2-3 days a week, 20mind cardio and 1 hour weights.

    Remember it's not a race, slow and steady give you more chance of keeping it off when you reach your goal. Make it a lifestyle not a passing diet.
  • beachbumm1965
    beachbumm1965 Posts: 6 Member
    edited October 2016
    I started out with a goal of losing around 50-60 lbs. I dropped 20 in a slow rate, so still have a long journey. I constantly watch what I put in to my body, still enjoy my favorite foods, but just portion them out. I started working out 6 days a week. I love the outcome that has been produced. This is what keeps me motivated to moving forward. Be reminded of what was in the rearview mirror, but keep your eyes on what is ahead of you. We can all do great things, as long as we put our strong mind's to it.
  • teresap1terry12346
    I have 100 pounds to loose and new to MFP. Trying to figure out best way to make a menu of meals going by my goals from MFP per week. Any suggestions ?
  • todduga
    todduga Posts: 18 Member
    I had about 75 pounds to lose when I started. Since the beginning of the year I've lost 31 pounds. Just taking it slow and steady, eating right, and exercising. Keep it up and don't be in a hurry. It will come.