Returning Returner....has returned...

Hi Everyone.
I hate to admit it, but I am a complete Yo-Yoer who has entirely lost their way.
I remember when I was 172lb and 5ft self cannot get any bigger surely...Then I turned 190lb and thought - wow how did that happen...I'm going to get down to 172lb when I first thought I was fat...
Now I sit here at 219lb, several weight related illnesses and ailments and 0 confidence.

I have a gym membership which the novelty wore off after 3 visits.
I have a healthy active partner who I mock for his wish to be fit.

And I have a BMI of 40+...
I'm definitely depressed. I need this more than anything but the urge to eat food is always stronger than the urge not to.
I've tried every fad, every change and every option but my waist line keeps growing. I'm 28 with the fitness level of a bad 90 year old..any help would be welcomed with open arms... tell me off someone, I definitely need it.

Jo xx


  • chocolate_owl
    chocolate_owl Posts: 1,695 Member
    It's time to stop doing fads. Find ways to make this sustainable. You won't be able to sustain this unless you know why you keep failing.

    When you think about losing weight and keeping it off, what seems to be the hardest part? Is it the idea that you won't be able to eat your favorite foods? Is it the idea of being hungry? Is it not having food as a security blanket? Pinpoint your biggest hurdle and find a way to jump it. For example:

    -You can still eat your favorite foods, in smaller portions or less frequently. They don't have to go away forever.
    -If you do this right, you can avoid being hungry. This just requires some patience to find a good macro balance.
    -If food is your comfort, figure out what triggers you to eat and find another behavior to replace it with: go for a walk around the block, play your favorite song, write down how you're feeling in a journal. A therapist could help with this behavior and depression.

    Once you've figured out how to sort out your obstacle, get good at meal planning, practice mindful eating, and find exercise you enjoy enough to do several times a week. Try to be inspired by your partner, try to let him help.

    You're only 28. You've got too much life left ahead of you to waste it with poor mobility and fragile health. Go do this.
  • starrrjo
    starrrjo Posts: 101 Member
    It's time to stop doing fads. Find ways to make this sustainable. You won't be able to sustain this unless you know why you keep failing.

    When you think about losing weight and keeping it off, what seems to be the hardest part? Is it the idea that you won't be able to eat your favorite foods? Is it the idea of being hungry? Is it not having food as a security blanket? Pinpoint your biggest hurdle and find a way to jump it. For example:

    -You can still eat your favorite foods, in smaller portions or less frequently. They don't have to go away forever.
    -If you do this right, you can avoid being hungry. This just requires some patience to find a good macro balance.
    -If food is your comfort, figure out what triggers you to eat and find another behavior to replace it with: go for a walk around the block, play your favorite song, write down how you're feeling in a journal. A therapist could help with this behavior and depression.

    Once you've figured out how to sort out your obstacle, get good at meal planning, practice mindful eating, and find exercise you enjoy enough to do several times a week. Try to be inspired by your partner, try to let him help.

    You're only 28. You've got too much life left ahead of you to waste it with poor mobility and fragile health. Go do this.
    Thank you. This means a lot! You make a lot of sense. I tend to boredom eat. Having a desk job doesn't help this. I enjoy walking and swimming, I don't do it often enough. I'm going to try my best. I've done it before, I can do it again.
  • zorander6
    zorander6 Posts: 2,711 Member
    Don't look on the past, look towards the future and the present. What in your present do you want to change? You eat because you are bored, go for a walk at lunch. If you get breaks take a short walk. Heck find a longer path to the necessary. Get moving. Stand up and stretch every hour even if you can't leave your desk.

    Instead of focusing on losing weight, focus on being healthy. Eat a balanced diet and allow some treats. The end goal of losing weight should be to be healthy and happy, not thin and starving. If need be talk to a doc about your desire to get healthy. Find a class for diabetics on diet, that will give you a lot of information.
  • superdeedooper
    superdeedooper Posts: 95 Member
    Hello from a fellow returning returner returning again. LOL. :) I am trying so hard to make this commitment again. I really need to track calories, protein, etc.

    If anyone would like to be friends or even someone to nag, I mean encourage me, please send friend request. I'll happily offer the same nagging, I mean encouragement :D