I'm starting to get discouraged :(

so I know i just joined MFP but I've been working out for 17 days now. I wake up at 6 am and either go on an 8-10mile bike ride at about 12-15mph or I will go running/jogging for 30mins(I try and switch it up to not get bored) then I will go swimming and do laps for 30mins every other day and also do some strength training for 30 mins every other day. I work out a total of 6 days a week 1-2hrs a day. I eat healthy no red meats, soda, candy but will occasionally have ONE drink at the bar once a week maybe once every other week. I eat ground turkey, chicken and fish with lots of fruits and veggies. I drink 3-5 bottles of water a day(16.9 oz each) and take a one a day womens active metabolism daily vitamin...

So what am I doing wrong? For 17 days I've been doing this and have not lost a single pound and I'm trying not to get discouraged but I'm about to throw in the towel because this is not working. I feel as is I'm doomed to be the fat girl forever :'(

Does anyone have any advise for me? I'm 5'3" and 181 lbs. Thank you for your time and help.


  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    Read the link in my signature "HOW TO BUST THROUGH A PLEATEAU" she explains that there are three key factors to losing weight , diet cardio and weight lifting, If one is out of balance with the other two then you will stall your weight loss.

    I would say that you are probably burning too many calories and are not eating enough back, or you are eating all your burned calories back, but that number is still a tad low.

    Check it out.

    The last thing I would say is that with working out that much there is definately, WITHOUT a doubt going to be water retention in your muscles until they heal, have you concidered cuttingback your exercise to 5 days or maybe even 4 days to give your body more time to recover? if you don't let your body rest it will actually cause a deterioration of your muscle. Don't know the exact science behind it but its there.
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    Best way to see progress is to take measurements rather than getting on a scale. For instance..I gained 1.5 pounds in the last 2 weeks..but lost 7.5 inches..

    Sometimes it takes our bodies some time ...and then woosh..the weight drops.

    Please dont feel discouraged..just remember you are just steps into your lifelong journey..
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    I agree with the above, and also, you didnt gain all this weight in 2 weeks, it isnt going to come off as fast, and even SLOWER.

    you must be patient, and not give up. Keep the mind set that this is a healthy change for life, not just to see the lbs drop on the scale. keep at it, and you will see the changes.

    It took me a year, a YEAR to lose 30 lbs.

    you CAN do it :)
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I would like to know how many calories you are eating.... Maybe it's not enough. Are you eating your exercise calories? Sometimes when they are worked strenuously the muscles store excess water and won't release it until they get used to the new activity levels...
  • Navie42
    Navie42 Posts: 152
    Read the link in my signature "HOW TO BUST THROUGH A PLEATEAU" she explains that there are three key factors to losing weight , diet cardio and weight lifting, If one is out of balance with the other two then you will stall your weight loss.

    Agreed, read that link. I have it bookmarked for when I need a mental pick me up. Also to add with recovery, you need to drink more water and eat more protein in addition to having rest days.
  • Beebs33
    Beebs33 Posts: 262
    I was excercising way too much and not eating enough and my body wouldn't let go of the weight. I haven't lost many pounds lately but I look a lot better and my clothes fit better since cutting back my exercise and eating more. I eat a lot of protein! And drink a lot of water. This journey is hard...you just have to learn to know your body.
  • doughnutwretch
    doughnutwretch Posts: 498 Member
    Sounds like you're doing everything the right way. You didn't gain the weight and inches over night, or in 17 days, and you're not going to lose it in 17 days. My recommendation would be to take your body measurements. Neck, arms, bust, stomach, hips, thighs and calves, and then 15-30 days later take them again. Our bodies will lose inches before much, if any, weight starts to come off.

    I have been actively working out and eating healthy since mid-May and it took me until the end of June to really start to see the weight fall off. However, I've lost over 10 inches all over and that, to me, offsets the lack of weight lost. Don't let the scale dictate your success. Keep working at it and I guarantee the weight will start to come off.

    It may be beneficial to you to make your diary public, or at least viewable to your friends, so we can lend other suggestions. My diary is open to my friends so feel free to take a look and chat with me if you have any questions.
  • Navie42
    Navie42 Posts: 152
    Also read this link on why you may gain / maintain when starting new exercise programs:

  • glowingz
    glowingz Posts: 63 Member
    I am right there with ya. Been working out 5-6 days a week. Doing both cardio and weights. Eating right, mostly fruits and veggies. At one point I was down three pounds, then right back up. WTF.

    The only reason I'm not completely discouraged is that I *know* that I'm living a healthier lifestyle and that feels good. And this isn't about getting to my goal weight as quickly as possible. It's about getting there eventually and staying there because by the time I'm there it'll just be easy because it's a lifestyle.
  • karensoxfan
    karensoxfan Posts: 902 Member

    I've been working out for 17 days now. . . . I work out a total of 6 days a week 1-2hrs a day. . . . I eat ground turkey, chicken and fish with lots of fruits and veggies. I drink 3-5 bottles of water a day(16.9 oz each) and take a one a day womens active metabolism daily vitamin...

    So what am I doing wrong? For 17 days I've been doing this and have not lost a single pound . . .

    First, it sounds like you've dramatically increased your exercise. Going from Zero to 6-12 hours/week is a big change for your body to adjust to, and water retention while your muscles heal from all that is a definite possibility.

    Second, with that much activity, it sounds like you might not be eating enough, and/or not eating enough variety. How many calories/day are you eating? Are you getting any lowfat dairy or whole grains too? What about healthy fats (olive oil, etc.)?
  • WWhitaker
    WWhitaker Posts: 309
    First of all, you're doing a fantastic job! Pat yourself on the back for that! People lose weight at different rates. Sometimes it takes the body awhile to catch up to it's new routine. It's been 17 days! I've been doing this for 3 months and have only lost 8 lbs...which keeps fluctuating, by the way. But I realize it's a variation of water weight, gaining muscle (I strength train), building better bone density, etc. I didn't put on all this weight in 3 months, so it's not going to shred like crazy in 3 months either. I'm in this for the long haul....to change my lifestyle. It's a battle and I don't always win, but I'm human and still want to enjoy the foods I love. I'm constantly learning, educating myself and reading others blogs. It will take time. Trust me, I hate not seeing the number go down on the scale here lately, but I know at some point it will. Plus, I'm continually noticing differences in my body...good differences. Not to mention all the compliments I continue to receive. You'll only be the "fat girl" if you allow yourself to be. Know what you want and stick to it. This is for YOU. It's the best thing you can do for youself. Keep your head up and keep pushing through. We all here at MFP have faith that you can do it!
  • boberry20
    boberry20 Posts: 1 Member
    I would suggest talking to a dietitian to make sure you are getting the fuel you need for all this. I have been told that if your metabolism slows down your body will hold onto the fat. I only started this 6 days ago and I have been working hard to stay within all areas including calories, fat, protein, carbs, sugar etc. I found that I was being so careful with calories and fat that I was ending up way under on my daily goal which I believe isn't good either. I'm 5' 9" and weigh 250 lbs. I had a kidney transplant almost a year ago and gained about 20 lbs after the surgery. I have no idea if my approach is going to work. I have an appt with a trainer tomorrow at my gym to make sure I'm doing the right thing. I'll let you know how things go. Maybe we can add each other?
  • lindsaylove07
    lindsaylove07 Posts: 444 Member
    Hey, you are doing GREAT! I get being discouraged, but keep it up! You are doing way better than I am in the work out department.

  • lggarland
    lggarland Posts: 9
    don't get discouraged!! You are on the right path. I agree w/ someone else who recommended taking measurements. I've only dropped 2 lbs in the last 6 months, but I have lost inches and can definitely feel the muscles getting stronger and stronger. Are you tracking everything you are eating? Do make sure you're not eating too few calories. Don't worry- mfp will call you out on the days that you eat too few calories!! keep it up!! you can do it!!!
  • loseisthegoal4me
    I am glad you posted rather than get so discouraged you gave up. Last month I got stuck too. I just decided to change something and it broke the plateau. Hope it is broken for at least a couple of weeks LOL.

    I have heard many things to break a plateau - most of them involve making some change. Either changing your exercises which is sounds like you are doing - changing your eating - like three days of protein. I don't know what works - but giving up definitely doesn't work. We are not doomed to being the fat girls. I weigh more than you so most of what I want to say is don't give up.

    You are being better to yourself - there have to be some good things you can focus on. One of the first things I noticed is that I could carry my niece up the stairs without getting winded. Focus on the changes you do see. Write those here. And most of all - keep posting. Finding a group that is going through the same things you are is a blessing. So what good changes to you see?
  • carammmel
    carammmel Posts: 1 Member
    How many calorie are you eating a day?

    Don't get discouraged becuase you JUST started! Remember that even though the scale may not change everytime, you are still benefiting and adding years to your life!

    Do your self a favor and stop weighing yourself for a week or 2. CHANGE YOUR ATTITUDE. Gauge your workouts by how hard you are working and how you feel. Count your calories, take it down to 1200 a day and NO JUNK!

    Keep doing that and I'm sure when you weight yourself in 2 weeks you will see results.
  • noturmom
    noturmom Posts: 18
    In school I read that it takes at least 12 weeks for your body to even start making the visual changes we work so hard to acheive, but once you get there, it will be awesome- and stay that way as long as you continually challenge your body. The first bit of weight you lose is also water weight. :) good luck! don't get discouraged!
  • ahavoc
    ahavoc Posts: 464 Member
    1 lb muscle is smaller than 1 lb of fat. If you're building muscle than it will seem like you're not losing on the scale. How do your clothes fit you? Are you feeling the difference? Fit people eat 5-6 small meals a day to keep their metabolism burning, if you're not eating enough you won't burn like you want. But if you aren't accounting for everything you eat in your diary, if you only "kind of" measure, you aren't doing yourself any favors. How long did it take you to put the weight on, 17 days? Then why do you think it will take 17 days to take it off. Losing 1 -2 pounds a week is the healthy way to take off the weight and keep it off. Give yourself a break, be honest with yourself, and really put in everything you eat on the food diary. Also, use your heart rate to determine how many calories you are burning. If you have your heart rate at 75% of target for your age for 1/2 an hour, the amount of calories burned will be different than what pops up when you put in an exercise. I adjust my calories burnt during exercise to match what my heart rate caloric burn is. You may be overestimating what your are burning and if you are eating those extra calories, you won't lose.
  • HankFit247
    HankFit247 Posts: 139
    Your not doing anything wrong! You just through yourself if feet first, Good Job! now the body just needs a few weeks to adjust.

    Just remember, the number on the scale does not tell the whole story. I teach "Feel the Fat" While in the shower, feel the fat, feel the texture, it is firm, is it jelloy, over time you will feel the density of fat changing regardless of what the scale says.

    Please feel free to contact me directly if you need more assistance.

    You can follow me here:

  • dsreilly
    dsreilly Posts: 47 Member
    I put on 12lb in 9 days by starting to exercise....the scale is just a number. Take pics and measurements fortnightly/monthly. Read up on water retention and exercising, and dont be put off by it. You can add me if you want...i'm 5 4, 179lbs.. :) But not for long :)