Dumbbell sizes for women

Im curious to know what size dumbbell you are using for the basic upper body exercises. Im a beginner and started of with 4kg per arm (8.8lbs). I mostly do 3 sets, 10-20 reps per exercise. I dont have anyone to compare myself to and would like to know if it is a good size or not?


  • chunky_pinup
    chunky_pinup Posts: 758 Member
    What other people lift shouldn't matter. If it's good for you, it's good for you. I personally use 15's or 20s for most upper body work. That's lbs as I am a Merican.

    This. Comparing yourself and what you use is a slippery slope, because there will always be people lifting more than you and when you compare, that sets yourself up for self-defeat. Use what makes YOU feel like you are working hard, and gradually build upon that. We all start somewhere.
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    edited October 2016
    If the dumbells are challenging to you, but you are able to keep good form for the rep range you wish to increase strength in, they are right for you.

    They're are many different strength levels for lifters and the only one that should matter to you is yours.
  • htimpaired
    htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member
    Like the others said, you have to use weights that challenge you. Gender doesn't matter. Strength does. As does form. You need to chose weights that allow you to do the full motion of the exercise and still keep good form, otherwise you're setting yourself up for injuries. But don't go too light, or you'll just be wasting your time.
  • French_Peasant
    French_Peasant Posts: 1,639 Member
    Ditto on what others have said above about comparing yourself, but it is natural to be curious so here are some thoughts based on my own very limited experience, FWIW.

    Just in my observations of new members joining a "body sculpting" class that I am in at my fitness center at work, 8.8 lbs is a fairly robust amount of weight for a beginner. Most use 3 or 5 lb dbs to begin. Of course, different lifts are going to require different sized weights. In the class, our instructor tells us when to use our heavy vs. light weights (10 lbs vs 6 lbs for me) and we do 30 seconds worth of reps. Some days I feel sassier and grab 12 lb weights, and other days I need to take it easy and I will have 3 lb pink weights along with my usual set. I started with the 3 lbs as my lights and 5 lbs as my heavies.

    For my "real" lifting (a program drawn up by my nephew, who is a trainer) I have 24 different workouts with about an hour of lifting for each workout. It's supposed to be a 6-week program, but I can generally fit in 2-3 "heavy" days a week, in addition to my class and aerobics days. I keep meticulous records and move on to a heavier weight when the current weight is no longer challenging and I can maintain good form. For 12-15 reps, currently I am going to use anything from 6 lbs for lateral raises to 40 lbs (combined) for chest presses to a 30 lb db for a single-arm row (I have been lifting since February but took the summer off; last June my single arm rows were at 35 lbs, lats at 10 lbs, and presses were the same; that was after 4 months of lifting).

    However--I started off with 5 and 10 lb weights for the first few weeks, as that is what I had on hand till I stole an entire set of dbs from my brother in law. :)

    As I have lifted, I have moved from wanting to measure myself by the amount of weight I was lifting ("more is better") to measuring myself by my ability to keep meticulous form...quality over quantity. The more I do it, the more I am interested in the "craftsmanship" of the lift.

    Again, this is just one perspective, and I am nowhere near as seasoned as others on this site, but as a fairly recent beginner myself, I thought it might be of interest to you. Good luck with your lifting program! I have been extremely pleased with my results from lifting.
  • pondee629
    pondee629 Posts: 2,469 Member
    Lizarking wrote: »
    Same as for men.

    Heavier than last time.
    I started my mother off with campbells soup cans to get form down pat she has worked up to 10 lbs dumbbells at 70 years of age I'm proud

    What you are doing as compared to others is irrelevant. How you are doing compared to yesterdays you is important. Much like Michaels Mom, above, you need to increase weight, increase resistance or increase reps to continue to improve and strengthen.

    I'd suggest a set of adjustable dumbbells that will grow with your ability. PowerBlock and BowFlex each have a set. I know that PowerBlock has a set that range from 3 pounds each to 24 pounds each. Or a continuing purchase of heavier dumbbells as you progress. Unless you belong to a gym, in which case just pick a heavier set next time.
  • cqbkaju
    cqbkaju Posts: 1,011 Member
    edited October 2016
    If you can do more that 8 or 10 reps per set then they are probably too light.
    Definitely too light if you can do 12 or more reps for all 3 sets.
    Add 2.5lbs or 5 lbs, whatever you have available as the next heaviest, and check the number of reps again.
    For now, use a given weight until you can manage 12 or more reps for all 3 sets and raise the weight again.
    The commonly accepted range for weight training is from 8 to 12 reps per set.

    This is the basics of "progressive overload". Anything lighter is usually a waste of your time.
    These methods are for any weight lifting exercise really, doesn't matter if it is dumbbell or barbell.
    It also doesn't really matter if you are old or young, man or woman.

    By using this method you only have to worry about comparing yourself to yourself.
    Keep a log and track your workouts; day, exercise, number of sets, reps, amount of weight, etc.
    You will know how much weight you are aiming for every time and for how many reps.
    When you look back at your log 12 weeks from now, you will see your progress.

    Some people like me prefer heavier weights (you raise the weight after 5 or 6 reps per set, for example) but no one I work out with -male or female- regularly goes above 12 reps per set.
    Sticking with 8 to 12 reps per set is a fine starting point.

    If you are doing 3 sets of 20 reps then you are using "pink dumbells" -ones too light to be useful for a given exercise- unless perhaps you are 70 years old and have lost all of your muscle mass or you are in some sort of PT program.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    edited October 2016
    Tania5078 wrote: »
    Im curious to know what size dumbbell you are using for the basic upper body exercises. Im a beginner and started of with 4kg per arm (8.8lbs). I mostly do 3 sets, 10-20 reps per exercise. I dont have anyone to compare myself to and would like to know if it is a good size or not?

    The weight you use should vary from exercise to exercise. In general, you'll use a higher weight for dumbbell bench pressing than for dumbbell shoulder pressing, more for shoulder pressing than for bicep curls, and likely more for bicep curls than for lateral raises. Those are just a few of the many upper body exercises you can be doing but notice that some are compound exercises (bench press and shoulder press), which means that they use more than one muscle group, and some are isolation exercises (bicep curls and lateral raises), meaning that they use one muscle group. Those that are compound exercises can normally be done with higher weight than isolation exercises.

    A beginner can usually progress, adding weight, reps, or sets, on compound exercises fairly quickly. My gym has dumbbells that increase in 2.5 lb increments, meaning 5 lbs overall when I used 2 at a time. During the first several weeks of training I was able to use heavier sets of dumbbells at least weekly, if not more often (e.g., every workout or every other workout.) But then there are some exercises that I use lighter dumbbells for even now (e.g., reverse flys.)
  • MelanieCN77
    MelanieCN77 Posts: 4,047 Member
    I use a wide variety. I have 15s that I use for lawnmower/heavy pants but all the way down to 3s right now for superman fly. I probably use the 8s most, for curls and overhead presses and triceps. If you get to 12-15 reps and feel the fail happening then that's your weight. You're at the top end of managing that weight, giving yourself a little push, presuming you are trying to build a little muscle.
  • Tania5078
    Tania5078 Posts: 18 Member
    Thank you all for the informative comments. Im still new to this and every piece of information helps me.
  • French_Peasant
    French_Peasant Posts: 1,639 Member
    cqbkaju wrote: »
    If you can do more that 8 or 10 reps per set then they are probably too light.
    Definitely too light if you can do 12 or more reps for all 3 sets.
    Add 2.5lbs or 5 lbs, whatever you have available as the next heaviest, and check the number of reps again.
    For now, use a given weight until you can manage 12 or more reps for all 3 sets and raise the weight again.
    The commonly accepted range for weight training is from 8 to 12 reps per set.

    This is the basics of "progressive overload". Anything lighter is usually a waste of your time.
    These methods are for any weight lifting exercise really, doesn't matter if it is dumbbell or barbell.
    It also doesn't really matter if you are old or young, man or woman.

    By using this method you only have to worry about comparing yourself to yourself.
    Keep a log and track your workouts; day, exercise, number of sets, reps, amount of weight, etc.
    You will know how much weight you are aiming for every time and for how many reps.
    When you look back at your log 12 weeks from now, you will see your progress.

    Some people like me prefer heavier weights (you raise the weight after 5 or 6 reps per set, for example) but no one I work out with -male or female- regularly goes above 12 reps per set.
    Sticking with 8 to 12 reps per set is a fine starting point.

    If you are doing 3 sets of 20 reps then you are using "pink dumbells" -ones too light to be useful for a given exercise- unless perhaps you are 70 years old and have lost all of your muscle mass or you are in some sort of PT program.

    After reading this, I realized I mistyped above--I checked my workouts and the only things that go above 12 reps are bodyweight exercises (incline pushups, bodyweight squats, etc.) On my metabolic days, the reps go up to 12 for certain exercises and 10 for the rest, and on my strength or density days, they are more in the 7-9 range to failure. They all just feel like they go to 15 reps.

    In the class, we are probably doing 15 reps in 30 seconds or so, and it likely doesn't accomplish much, but it is a bit of fluffy fun that is not as fluffy as "dance aerobics". I will use the pink weights when I've pushed it really hard with my real lifting on the previous day, ha ha. (Yeah...I should probably drop that class).
  • cqbkaju
    cqbkaju Posts: 1,011 Member
    edited October 2016
    In the class, we are probably doing 15 reps in 30 seconds or so, and it likely doesn't accomplish much, but it is a bit of fluffy fun that is not as fluffy as "dance aerobics". I will use the pink weights when I've pushed it really hard with my real lifting on the previous day, ha ha. (Yeah...I should probably drop that class).
    Nothing wrong with having fun! I try to do it on occasion myself. ;)
    If you like it, then there is little to lose by doing it aside from time and energy.

    There is another component ("time under load") that also matters and works slightly differently with body weight exercises because of how the load is distributed. "Perceived exertion" etc.
    I most guys I know that can move more than their body weight on the lat pull-down machine cannot do more than a pull-up or two without kicking their legs etc. for momentum. But that is a different physics discussion.

    I just try to keep my goals in mind and work as efficiently as possible to reach them.

    I used to go to failure but now I "keep one or two in the tank" as recommended by Jim Wendler.
    I have noticed my workouts are now more energized and I recover better with almost no DOMS.
    Going to failure means you are running a higher risk of injury should something go wrong.
    Most people have terrible form to begin with so working towards failure tends to compound that problem.
  • sandra052785
    sandra052785 Posts: 2 Member
    It depends on what I'm doing and where I am at with my diet. If I am eating in a surplus I can overhead press 35lb dumbbells for 3-5 reps but around 30lbs is my 8-10 rep range. I can bench with 35-40lb dumbbells as well but I train specifically for powerlifting so what I can do right now is heavier.

    When I started out I didn't know anything about how much I should have been lifting so just focused on being able to do either more reps with each workout or more weight. Sometimes a jump from the 8lb weight to the 10lb weight felt like too much, so I would just try to do more reps at 8lbs until I could do 10lbs.

    I think in terms of deciding what weight to use you have to determine what your goals are. Hypertrophy or power? It will help narrow down a more ideal amount of reps/sets and then you can choose the weight that suits that range best.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    If you are trying to build muscle, then I think you want to do 3 sets to failure - increasing weight with each set.

    So, if you are going to start with 4kg, then move to 5kg, 6kg (or whatever - I use lb, so not sure of the increments with kg) with sets 2 and 3.

    And you want to work to failure ideally between 8 and 15 reps. Failure being you absolutely cannot do one more rep with good form right now...so the last 2-3 reps you do of each set should be a struggle, and that last rep should be really really hard.

    1-2 min rest between sets.

    At least one day rest before repeating.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    when i started lifting the woman running the course i took refused to even discuss general strength standards. it really pissed me off; like it was info a newbie like me couldn't be trusted with. and it still kind of pisses me off two years later.

    i don't think that woman realized i had no information at all about what was 'normal' and what wasn't. i think people should be given information and allowed to do whatever they want to with it.

    so here you go: http://lonkilgore.com/freebies/freebies.html
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    I keep seeing this title, and while I know the thread isn't about that, the title makes me wanna spit

  • Tania5078
    Tania5078 Posts: 18 Member
    when i started lifting the woman running the course i took refused to even discuss general strength standards. it really pissed me off; like it was info a newbie like me couldn't be trusted with. and it still kind of pisses me off two years later.

    i don't think that woman realized i had no information at all about what was 'normal' and what wasn't. i think people should be given information and allowed to do whatever they want to with it.

    so here you go: http://lonkilgore.com/freebies/freebies.html

    Thank you so much for the info! I understand what they mean by not comparing myself to others and obviously we all differ and it differs from exercise to exercisw. So i think maybe my choice of words were wrong. I just wanted some sort of standard to compare myself to. I dont want to push myself and then get hurt but then again i dont want to waste my time with "small" weights
  • KDar1988
    KDar1988 Posts: 650 Member
    What other people lift shouldn't matter. If it's good for you, it's good for you. I personally use 15's or 20s for most upper body work. That's lbs as I am a Merican.

    This. Comparing yourself and what you use is a slippery slope, because there will always be people lifting more than you and when you compare, that sets yourself up for self-defeat. Use what makes YOU feel like you are working hard, and gradually build upon that. We all start somewhere.

    OMG, so much this! ^^^ Personal experience. I am doing Strong Lifts for 5 months. Think I'm doing pretty good, I've progressed quite well. Yesterday I'm finishing up, see this maybe 120lb girl warming up with a trainer. She gets in to do benchpress and I turn around to notice he had her doing 85lbs and she was lifting it like it was nothing. Then he adds 20 more! I'm like WTF? I can do 85lbs on the benchpress, she's 1/2 my size and doing more than me. It really ticked me off....I stewed about that for hours. I wondered where she packed that power, my forearms are bigger than her biceps!

    So the point is, that I got mad because I compared myself to her. I can't do that because yes, we all start somewhere and you'll progress for sure.