Is a 12 minute mile too slow?



  • todduga
    todduga Posts: 18 Member
    Not a thing wrong that. In fact you'll find that your speed will improve the more you run without having to put much thought into it. As I dropped weight and my fitness improved my time improved without me even thinking about it. I'm down to averaging about 11 minutes per mile on my long runs (usually anywhere from 5-10 miles). I figure I'll be close to 10 minutes in a few months.

    Take your time and enjoy running. Trying to do too much too quickly is a sure fire way to get injured.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    You're building your aerobic base now.....slow is good.

    This may sound unbelievable at this point but (assuming you keep up the running) there will be a time in the future when you want to intentionally slow down to an 11.5 or 12 min mile for your long slow run days and it will take a conscious effort.

  • pzarnosky
    pzarnosky Posts: 256 Member
    Just keep putting miles behind you and pushing. You will get faster.
    My first 25K race took me 3:13. I committed to running and this year ran the same race in 2:28. I cried at the end. I never thought I would reach that goal. It takes time, effort, and a lot of sweat but it is SO worth it!
  • ericwhitt
    ericwhitt Posts: 87 Member
    Started hitting the gym again mid September, for the first time since I graduated high school (2005) that I tried to run a mile. It was all I could manage to do 1 10 minute mile. Last time I ran I was doing 3 miles in 20 minutes before soccer practice every day. This was 30lbs and 11 years ago however... I talked to my friend whom I use to run with, the first thing he said "At least you ran a mile" and that's pretty much the mentality you gotta have. The time doesn't matter, you got out and did it.

    So far in one month of going to the gym 4 times a month, I've gone from struggling to do 1 mile at 6mph to struggling to do 2 miles at 7mph... so I'm happy with the progress so far.
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    When I started learning to run I focused on the idea that Scott Jurek happily ran 7-8 minute miles. Hope depressed was i barely getting 12 minute miles!!! Especially as MFP records anything slower than 12 minute miles as ' jogging on the spot'

    The more I run, the more I realise that I'm getting faster. I shock myself by seeing 9.30 pace on my watch, but it's usually note between 10-11. You will naturally speed up the more you run.

    Of course, when I run trails, the whole pace thing gets thrown out the window. 12 minute miles? Not even close.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Zombie thread!
  • ericwhitt
    ericwhitt Posts: 87 Member
    Zombie thread!

    Bwhaha I even looked at the dates of the posts on this page... didn't go back a page and see a 2014 stamp... oops.
  • AnnyisOK
    AnnyisOK Posts: 121 Member
    I wanna say that's average for a beginner. You get faster over time as your body adapts. Don't be hard on yourself, plus, I've been reading a book (80/20 Running) on the method of slower running to improve endurance and speed over time.
    I'm around the sub-7 min/mile, but had to force myself to slow down the last three weeks due to an injure and I find that having had to run slower has helped me now that I can get back to regular marathon training.
    Anyway, back to your question - I'd say you're normal for a beginner. Don't push too hard, too fast too soon because that'll only lead to injuries and burning out quickly. Everyone has their own pace, you move at a pace that's comfortable for you and slowly push yourself a little more if you're wanting to improve on speed.
  • jordanamrussell
    jordanamrussell Posts: 40 Member
    edited October 2016
    You said they've been running much longer than you. That explains it. Running takes consistency and persistence as far as I'm concerned. I run about a 10:30 mile, but some days my miles are 11:00, some days 12:00. Everyday is never the same. And you're running, so that's what counts. If you feel like it's too easy, you may be able to push yourself a little more. Add in a few sprint intervals if you can. You will get better!
  • jordanamrussell
    jordanamrussell Posts: 40 Member
    edited October 2016
    Also, if you're tracking your c25k runs with another running program, and you include the warm up and cool down, remember that is affecting your pace. I didn't really care about my pace until I got to like week 6 and was running those 22 minute runs. Then I would only track the run itself, not the WU and CD..
    I finished the c25k program on October 8 and I now run 3-4 miles a few times a week(the further I want to run, the slower I run so I don't burn out before I'm done). Don't quit! It gets so much better
  • apullum
    apullum Posts: 4,838 Member
    OP, too slow for what? Is it too slow for your own personal goals? Perhaps, depending on what you want to achieve. Is it too slow in general? Absolutely not--there's no such thing. When I first started running, it was a huge accomplishment to just run for 5 minutes straight. Then I was thrilled when I ran my first 15 minute mile. Now I'm thrilled when I run a mile in under 11 minutes. I just finished my second half marathon; there were a lot of people who finished before than me, and plenty of people who finished after me.

    Keep in mind, also, that it's a great idea to start slow. As a beginner, you don't want to do too much, too soon and risk injury. You are building endurance, and even experienced ultramarathoners intentionally do "long slow distance" runs that help the body prepare to run long races. Once you're comfortable with the distances you want to run and would like to work on getting faster, you can incorporate intervals or other speedwork into your training.
  • MikeyM1982
    MikeyM1982 Posts: 47 Member
    A 12 min mile is a mile further than sitting on the couch doing no mile at all!
  • dewd2
    dewd2 Posts: 2,445 Member
    Is anyone posting here even aware that the OP isn't even member here any longer????? :/
  • trudiebamford
    trudiebamford Posts: 88 Member
    dewd2 wrote: »
    Is anyone posting here even aware that the OP isn't even member here any longer????? :/

    Maybe not, but I'm a new 11-12 minute mile runner, so I'm enjoying the thread!
  • pondee629
    pondee629 Posts: 2,469 Member
    dewd2 wrote: »
    Is anyone posting here even aware that the OP isn't even member here any longer????? :/

    Maybe not, but I'm a new 11-12 minute mile runner, so I'm enjoying the thread!

    I've completed my first Half Marathon at 2:17:10 and my long mileage training pace is set between 11:14 and 12:38, so, no, a 12 minute mile isn't slow. It's a nice easy run pace.
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    A 12 minute mile is infinitely better than sitting on the couch.
  • Jellybeanz44
    Jellybeanz44 Posts: 31 Member
    I used to run faster than I do now. I did an 11 minute mile the other night on the treadmill and actually felt like I was going to need to walk for a sec. I used to be able to do 4 miles during my lunch break, including shower and dressed. All in about an hour. step at a time. You're fine.
  • jordanamrussell
    jordanamrussell Posts: 40 Member
    dewd2 wrote: »
    Is anyone posting here even aware that the OP isn't even member here any longer????? :/

    Nope didn't realize. I don't think it matters if this thread can help others.
  • jdawson002
    jdawson002 Posts: 167 Member
    how can any kind of running be too slow? everyone runs at different paces
  • cqbkaju
    cqbkaju Posts: 1,011 Member
    edited October 2016
    It might be too slow if you are driving it.

    Sorry for the necromancy...