Is a 12 minute mile too slow?



  • SkinnyFatBGone
    SkinnyFatBGone Posts: 59 Member
    Nope. I run 12.5 minute miles. Some people power walk faster than I run. Good for them.
  • BeeerRunner
    BeeerRunner Posts: 728 Member
    If you like running, definitely do not give up. Everyone has their own pace. Also, who knows what pace they are giving you...was it their Personal Best 5K pace or an average training pace?

    I'm pretty sure when I started running, I was probably around a 12 minute mile. I remember getting so excited when I was able to run a 10 minute mile for 3 miles. Eventually, my best 5K Pace got down to 7:05, but that was in a race going for the female overall win with another female coming up on my heels. I definitely don't run that fast in training though. Even a few months ago, my long training runs were usually somewhere between a 10 to 12 minute mile pace.

    Everyone is different. My husband started running a month or so after me, and was stuck at the 10 minute mile pace for a long time. Within the last few weeks, he's gotten his pace down to the low 9's. He weighs about 75 lbs more than me, so his legs have more to carry.

    I have a friend on MFP who has been running longer than I have and she often runs 12 minute miles. That's just the pace she enjoys.

    As you get more comfortable with running, you'll naturally build your endurance. With building your endurance, you'll be able to pick up the pace.

    My point is that as long as you enjoy it and you're staying fit/active, keep running and don't worry about pace. That's the thing about running: for most, it's not about being the fastest person out there. It's about challenging yourself and setting your own personal goals and doing your own personal best.

    Hope you keep at it!! :smiley:
  • J383
    J383 Posts: 4,573 Member
    Im considered overweight and I run a 12 min mile. Im not winning a race, so I enjoy that pace. Everyone is different. I started out with a 18min mile. So dont be embarrassed. Be proud of running any miles. lol
  • niblue
    niblue Posts: 339 Member
    12 minutes miles are great when you start running - if anything they're better than a faster pace as there is more likelyhood you'll be able to keep running for longer (which in the early days is far more important than going fast). When I did C25K I was running about 11 minute miles by the end of it, and was quite happy with that.
  • astrocosmiczoom
    astrocosmiczoom Posts: 86 Member
    I started off at a 13-14 minute mile when I was training for basic training. Now I run a between a 7 and 9, depending on how far I'm going! It's absolutely a great place to start! You can shave a tiny bit off each time, and I'm talking, like, four or five seconds. It adds up.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    edited October 2016
    I've been running for 25 years and I often do a 12 minute mile on my long-distance runs. And if I slow it down even more and run a 13 minute mile, I can run forever without burning out. It really depends on the weather. If it's hot, I'm going slow. If it's cooler and overcast, I'll run at a 10. But who cares how fast you're going as long as you're getting it done. I enjoy myself and that's what matters. I may not be a super-competitor, but I could care less if someone else is passing me. I could run faster, and have, but most of the time I'm just chillin' down the worries! B)

    ETA: A 12 minute mile isn't fast, but it's NOT slow, either. You're faster than the vast majority of the population. :)