Looking to build a small tribe of supporters...

thesameov Posts: 3 Member
edited October 2016 in Motivation and Support
I’m a 30 year old wife, mother of 2, full time employee (working in the field of social work), commuter (1.5 hours each way), daughter, sister, friend, and lover of food.

I have had up and downs with my weight. My highest was 240lbs back in 2009. I’m 5’2, so that’s a hefty number.

With the help of MFP and exercise, I was able to get down to the 150s in 2014. I was exercising daily and eating a pretty well balanced diet.

We decided to have our second child and became pregnant in 2014… giving birth in July 2015. Baby life took over, plus a million of other excuses I told myself.

My baby is now 15 months old, and I sit at 189lbs. I would like to get to where I was or even lower.

I have a serious problem with binge eating. I love sweets. I haven’t been consistent on preparing foods. I crave crap all the time.

I am looking to build a small tribe of people who may be in the same boat. People who will be on my *kitten* when I don’t log and vice versa. People who will tell me not to give in when I update my status to say “I want nachos”. People who will accept that some days I will sound like I’m complaining about how hard this addiction is and some days I will rejoice about the strides I’ve made in combating it!

I'll keep my diary open and hope that you do the same.


  • Kullerva
    Kullerva Posts: 1,114 Member
    Hey! Open diarist here, too, and when I binge it is sweets. Still, I'm 42 lbs _ down and have maintained the loss for almost six months. Add me if you like. I can be tough on you if you like. :)
  • thesameov
    thesameov Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks!! I've added you!!
  • Kate157120
    Kate157120 Posts: 9 Member
    me me me me me :)
  • BldnBlue
    BldnBlue Posts: 8 Member
    I'd love an accountability team!
  • c_water19
    c_water19 Posts: 37 Member
    Baby life took over, man do I know that feeling! I am looking for the same thing and trying to be honset about my food tracking, even when I slip up :'( I'll send you a friend request!!!
  • hwilliams3475
    hwilliams3475 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi! I would love to help out and be a part of your group. I just left a really great group where I learned alot of great tools, but started to feel very unappreciated by the moderator. The group was awesome, very supportive, and non-judgemental however the person running the group, I felt was very partial, had her favorites and gave accolades to those with excessive weight to lose and who struggled the most.

    I was very supportive and motivational and started to feel invisible. We had a daily audio, a daily discussion thread, we logged our food, when we hit milestones we all celebrated and uploaded beginning pics and milestone pics.... It was a Raw Food diet.....

    The format is great, I would be willing to share all I learned about changing my eating habits. I lost 32 lbs on the program so far and had 14 to go. I did just have surgery and am still swelled up from surgery so Im waiting on the weight swelling to go down and I cant curently exercise.

    I miss the comraderie of the group, the accountability and support from the group and started searching for another support group. If anyone is interested I can share best practices and if everyone is interested we could try to set it up similiar to the group. There were people who lost over 100 lbs in the group. Let me know if I can help and your interested. I dont want to step on anyone's toes. I did use MFP for logging my food everyday so I am not really familar with the boards. I am trying to upload my pic, however it is sideways.. LOL....

    My background is in counseling and natural holistic practices..
    Nice to meet everyone,
  • gbtx79
    gbtx79 Posts: 16 Member
    Same goes for me...I love bad food, as I've grown up on it...36 year old single mom of 2 teen girls, so I am a BIG emotional eater haha! I have open diary and could use the accountability. Feel free to add me..
  • mrsmammahunter
    mrsmammahunter Posts: 221 Member
    Im down add me:)
  • dbkyser
    dbkyser Posts: 612 Member
    Anyone can add me, I log daily and although getting closer to my goal plan on logging as I work on my transformation from fat to muscle.