Hi :)

Hi everyone,

Looking to make some connections to support me and keep me in line :smile:

I lost 70lb in my mid 20s - found it easy then as I had a very active job, long hours, I had total focus on intake, then... lifestyle change - new desk job, less focus on food as the workplace mentality is work work work - you're lucky to stop for a breather for lunch. I spend 9 hours a day sitting on my backside in front of a computer which is killing me. I have been working out with kettlebells for a couple of years and have never been stronger, yet I've gained the ~80lb excess weight back.

It really started to get to me until earlier this month when I decided I've finally had enough of yoyo dieting and estimating food intake. I'm back on the wagon with reasonable goals set, accurate food tracking in place, fitness band to kick my backside when I've been stagnant in front of an LCD screen for too long... No more disappointment, no more fooling myself, no more Mr Nice Guy :)



  • jenniferbradfordgoss
    Good luck on getting healthy you back! Why is dropping weight so much harder later in life? Lol Add me if you'd like :)
  • AdamAthletic
    AdamAthletic Posts: 2,985 Member
    Welcome to the MFP community Gregor!
    Wishing you the very best on your lifestyle journey!

    All the best,