Tired of being fat and feeling lousy!

My name is Joy and I've started a journey to lose around 50 lbs. I'm not doing any rad diets or some extreme cleansing. No, I'm just trying to make healthy choices, cut down my portions and cut out the pure junk like Coke, chips and desserts with icing - I really love icing!

Motivation and self discipline have always been an issue for me. I work at home and I can't drive so having support online would be awesome. My many pets do not help my efforts as they too love cookies. I'm looking for "real" people to respond, those of you out there who are willing to admit that you have eaten all of your kids Halloween candy and then blamed it on the dog.

My goal is to feel good about my body and to reap the health benefits that come with being "in shape" as opposed to being just a "blob" shape. I look forward to hearing from you and especially welcome those with a keen sense of humor

Starting Weight: 207


  • aprilbyrd2014
    aprilbyrd2014 Posts: 20 Member
    You can add me as a friend I haven't figured out how to do that
  • Babs2Baby
    Babs2Baby Posts: 87 Member
    I need to lose around 50lbs as well. 44 more to go, apparently. That's assuming I didn't gain weight during my vacation. I'm just cutting out all processed foods, not focusing on calorie count but just eating clean. I will still log it to make sure I'm eating enough.
    My job consists of me sitting down all day for 10hrs. You can kind of figure out from there how I gained so much weight, lol. I used to be able to run 7-10 miles but just turned into an unhealthy mess. Damn Mexican burritos.
  • JoysDragonfly
    JoysDragonfly Posts: 19 Member
    I went to Sunny's BBQ yesterday and made smart choices (sauce-less ribs, broccoli...) I was a little upset and surprised when my life-long friend started insisting that I to try her calorie/sugar riddled food, to have dessert and to eat/order more. I can't understand why friends and family wouldn't be supportive of my goals to be healthy? Do they feel threatened? I'm I just being sensitive? I held my ground and went back to my mom's old advise of "Just say No!"

    Babs, I hear what you are saying about the Mexican food. It is soooo good and soooo bad for you all at the same time. The rice and cheese is my nemesis!
  • weightforme8134
    weightforme8134 Posts: 53 Member
    So funny I read your post and went to add you forgetting that we are already friends haha! I work from home too which I feel really makes it hard sometimes.
  • stephrivas84
    stephrivas84 Posts: 40 Member
    I took my baby trick or treating to get the candy last year. My baby sat there excited over pretzels and didn't want the chocolates. I will do the same this year but not eat all the candy in one sitting :smile:

    For me I find that family and friends are just so used to how things used to be and get into a habit. They haven't adjusted to how things will be from now on. Saying no for awhile will have to do until people get used to the word no. Eventually, hopefully, they will stop doing it.
  • JoysDragonfly
    JoysDragonfly Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks for the support. I'm planning on not being home on Halloween so I don't have the candy in the house and my 18 and 21 YR old "KIDS" better not bring it here.

    I just came back from LA Fitness. I joined the gym. I'm scared. I'm doing this for accountability and to get over being self conscious about my body. Tomorrow at 9 is my first workout. Do any of you take the self progression photos? I had my daughter take mine but I'm afraid to post.
  • Virtuousladie
    Virtuousladie Posts: 4 Member
    It's okay, You can do it! Just Believe in yourself!
  • JoysDragonfly
    JoysDragonfly Posts: 19 Member
    I just came home from my first gym workout. I had such mixed emotions - excited, scared, self conscious. Having my measurements done was a real eye opener for me. I don't feel that big! I bought some workout bras/clothes on the way home. Shopping is better than eating and I feel I'm investing in myself. (oh the self-justifications we can come up, huh?)
  • jenniferbradfordgoss
    Go you, joining the gym!! I haven't gotten up the nerve yet. I'm really good excuses....

    Add me if you'd like :)
  • JoysDragonfly
    JoysDragonfly Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks Jennifer. I'm still feeling my first workout and I go for my second one today. At the gym, I forced myself to look closely at all the people there and I was surprised to see a lot of people in the same boat/size as me. We tend to see only those perfectly sculpted bodies in our mind. Everyone was very nice and supportive and made me feel welcomed which helped.
  • melissahoyer
    melissahoyer Posts: 4 Member
    Here I am, back at it again...and again at a new all time high for my weight...I am a full time preschool teacher, wife and mother of three. About a month ago I joined the gym again after 5 years. I signed up for 4 personal trainer sessions and had to postpone the last two due to sick kids and a scheduling conflict. I can't let this opportunity slip through my fingers. I don't know if it's coincidence or just excuses but it seems like since joining the gym our schedules have gotten crazier than normal and I'm struggling to get to the gym or do the right thing to eat right. I feel like I'm getting back on my weight loss/health journey with a less than enthusiastic attitude...
  • JoysDragonfly
    JoysDragonfly Posts: 19 Member
    Hi Melissa! I was diagnosed with epilepsy in 2015. It turned my life upside down with seizures, no driving, meds, and many life restrictions. I would never miss or reschedule my neurologist appointment because it is far too important to my health. So why is the gym or taking the time to log food or connect with others for support any less important? It's not. I think we need to commit to loving ourselves as much as we love our kids and others. Only then will make our own health a priority. In the past, I've used money, time, kids, animals and my condition as an excuse. I now use Uber, I treat gym appointments like Dr appointments and the hardest, I ask for help from friends and family. It is not easy, but each day I try and work on showing the love that I share with so many others towards myself. <3
  • JoysDragonfly
    JoysDragonfly Posts: 19 Member
    How many of you enter vitamins into your Food Diary? I was making a comment to my daughter about not getting enough of certain nutrients in my daily diet and she said I don't see your vitamins supplements in your food diary. I was like "Duh!! Why didn't I think about that before." I also found out it helps to enter my medications to keep on track with them. We live and we learn.
  • JoysDragonfly
    JoysDragonfly Posts: 19 Member
    The gym is helping me feel a little LESS self-conscious about myself. I'm surprised since it's one of the reasons I stayed away from it for so long. Everyone seems to be doing their own thing at the gym and everyone I talk to has been nice and supportive. So here is some food (calorie free) for thought

    "Fear is a thief
    because fear robs you before you can even begin."

    Byrant MGill