What can I do if I'm menopausal and having very little luck

tsansome Posts: 14
edited September 29 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi All

The title says it all really. I've been experiencing menopausal symptoms since the beginning of the year and co-incidentally started on a weight loss plan - signing up with this great site. The problem is I'm having very little luck losing weight. I've been exercising well - on average 4 times a week - and eating generally very well (keeping to my guideline of 1240 cals per day).

It took me months to lose 6 pounds, only to put 5 pounds on again when I had a week away with friends. It seems as if I go off track with my eating for just one day I gain weight instantly - when it comes to losing again, it takes me forever and a day!

Net, I've lost about 5 pounds over all these months and I'm starting to get very frustrated!!

Is anyone else out there going through this time-of-life menopausal stuff? I've read that weight gain is very common but has anyone found a way with it?

Many thanks in anticipation!


  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    i would go have have a chat with your doctor,he maybe able to tell you whats going on and give you something for it....you should have lost some weight before now.
  • Jenn728
    Jenn728 Posts: 683 Member
    Hi...I can completely! understand your frustrations. I had a complete hysterectomy when I was 26 and when I hit 30, I quit smoking and my thyroid went underactive. I gained weight slow in the beginning, like I thought it was just because I quit smoking. And then BAM, next thing I know, I'm 80 pounds overweight.

    I have been struggling for a year now, off and on (mostly off), to get the weight off. I get so very discouraged and angry about it. Why do I have to try so damn hard all the time, with little or no results?!?! Like literally, if I slack just a little, I gain. To see results, I have to give it 110% AT ALL TIMES.

    One thing I have learned is that you just keep going, keep fighting. I have two choices here. I can work my butt off wholeheartedly, or I can get happy about being fat.

    I wish I had a solution. I just wanted you to know you are not alone and the friends here at MFP are great at keeping us going and reaching for the goal!
  • SeasideOasis
    SeasideOasis Posts: 1,057 Member
    Due to medication, I've dealt with two onsets of menopausal problems/symptoms. First, I dont think you're eating enough. Especially when your body is going through an already incredible change, taking away food is not good. Are you eating back your workout calories? If not, I recommend it. You (as in your body) are already losing nutrients (or not retaining) due to the changes, so not eating enough will make it so much worse.

    Do you take a multivitamin? If not, you might want to look into Womans One A Day - Metabolism or Womans One A Day 50+. I was 23 on the 50+ multi-vitamin because of my symptoms, so dont get put off by the name. It's all about doing the best you can when your body is going through massive adjustments.

    Are you eating clean? I found, during this time, that the cleaner I ate, for whatever reason, the easier it was. What was ironic was I was in great shape when I was going through this (I think because I worked SO hard to make sure I was healthy), it was once my body went back to 'normal' that I gained all my weight because I was 'fine'. Now isn't that a mess...:angry::grumble: :grumble:
  • shomesue
    shomesue Posts: 1
    I feel like I am going through the same exact thing. I am really having a hard time focusing when it seems like I do really well and then there is nothing to show for it. It is so hard not get frustrated but it seems that no matter how much I diet and exercise I still barely lose weight at a snells pace.
  • justann
    justann Posts: 276 Member
    I know exactly how you're feeling. I'm experiencing the same type of thing. Add quitting smoking to the equation for me too. It is extremely difficult and frustrating to continually go up and down. The pounds come off but at a very very slow rate for me. Sometimes I just want to give up. In fact, last year I did give up. When I did I also put on 16 pounds. I've been back at it since January and it's so slow going. However, I refuse to give up. Hang in there. You can do it! You're welcome to friend me. We can somehow get through this together!
  • Birdnicaj
    Birdnicaj Posts: 95
    I'm going to tell you that I escaped that hell-trap by taking some unconventional advice, and it worked like a charm! It's not that you are doing anything wrong, but your hormones are "off". I hope you are not taking any synthetic hormones 'cause that can make matters even worse. So, assuming that you are not taking hormone replacement therapy, here is what to do:
    One good multivitamin per day.
    One additional B-complex vitamin per day.
    Natural progesterone cream, follow directions on package. DO NOT just get any kind, some of them are not as good as others: the best is by Emerita. I live in NYC so it's available in just about everywhere, but depending on where you live you may have to find a good heath food and natural market that carries it, or order it online. You have to use it religiously for at least a month to notice the difference, but YOU WILL. Not only will your weight loss become easier, you will be rid of many annoying mid life symptoms and feel like yourself again.
    BTW, great reading: What Your Doctor Will NOT tell you about menopause, by Dr. Lee
    Hang in there!!!!
  • Beebs33
    Beebs33 Posts: 262
    I have had symptoms as well due to endometriosis, the surgery, infection after and just the inability to get my hormones back into balance. The medicine had me all kinds of crazy. I gave in for a while and I gained weight. Then I lost it. My "girlie" stuff is a little more normal now. I think the only thing that has kept me from not gaining a lot of weight is my mind. I just keep pushing myself. I no longer take any meds except birth control but in the past 3 - 4 months things are acting up again and I have found it harder to keep my weight down (I think most of it is water). So keep your head up. Take vitamins and talk to your doctor. The doctor really can help with this.
  • brendalyne
    brendalyne Posts: 497
    Bump to read later.
  • tsansome
    tsansome Posts: 14
    Thanks everyone. Great tips. That's interesting about perhaps not eating enough calories because of hormone changes etc. I'll look into that. I've definitely been eating my exercise calories so that should be fine and I eat very clean - good portion sizes, 6 times a day, protein with each snack and meal etc.

    I don't take anything at the moment for the menopause symptoms so perhaps could look into vitamins and natural remedies.

    Interested in other opinions so keep 'em coming!

    Thanks again.
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    I think there may be a few things going on. FYI I am menopausal to a radical hysterectomy as a result of uterine cancer. It slows down an already slowing metabolism. I know the things I did to lose in my 20's don't work. I have to face that my eating habits going forward had to change. Now I make sure that eat breakfast and that said breakfast includes a protein. I cut out fast food and processed foods. I focus on eating food as natural as possible without changing to a raw diet. I also cut back on dairy and gluten products. It took some adjusting because it means reading labels a lot initially, but within a month I felt more energetic than I had in years.

    The other thing I notice is you don't have a lot to lose. The less you have to go, the more your body will want to hang onto it. You will have to push extra hard. that probably means making sure you eat back your exercise calories.
  • jamie78
    jamie78 Posts: 514 Member
  • notinvain
    notinvain Posts: 12 Member
    I had similar problems. I spoke to my doctor about it and he seemed to sense my urgency to get this weight off of me. He had me start taking a bunch of supplements: Evening primrose, DHEA, E, C, B complex, fish oil. Speak to him and he'll probably run some blood work to check these things. Ask him to. I also started drinking Shakeology and that really kicked my weight loss into gear since it is so nutrient dense. Do make sure you are eating cleanly and don't eat carbs after about 1:00. They are very mean to us women!
  • hinksa
    hinksa Posts: 8 Member
    I also started drinking Shakeology and that really kicked my weight loss into gear since it is so nutrient dense. Do make sure you are eating cleanly and don't eat carbs after about 1:00. They are very mean to us women!

    having mentioned 'Shakeology' shows you are aware of Beachbody.. they have a very interesting article on eating carbs at night.. and how it actually enhances weight loss.. and increases lean muscle.. i believe its still on their home page.. but you may have to search for it.. if you receive their monthly newsletter is was printed in the June issue..

    1240 calories a day is VERY low..
    if you dont eat enough your body begins to store fat thinking that its being starved..

    if you are lifting weights your muscles NEED protein and healthy fats to heal and rebuild themselves, without the protein your muscles will retain more water trying to repair the fibers.
  • PandaFit450
    PandaFit450 Posts: 619 Member
    I too am menopausal!
    I would advise you to talk to your doctor and check your hormone levels. I take a multi-vitamin, vit c and fish oil each day and find that helps with the symptoms.
    I exercise most days (even if only a walk) and eat most of my exercise calories too - I agree that your body needs extra sustenance during this time and 1200 cals may be too low.
    You may find a little 'tweak' will help the weight come off easier.

    Good luck :smile:
  • dottiedj
    dottiedj Posts: 52 Member
    I'll add my 'ditto' to this whole thread. My partner couldn't lose anything during menopause, so when I hit that point 2 years ago I wasn't surprised that I couldn't lose weight. I *am* surprised that I keep gaining weight...even eating well and exercising. I think it's just part of what your body has to go through at this time of life.

    The encouraging news is that now that my partner has passed that 'hump' (which lasted about 5 years) she lost everything she gained and now eats pretty much anything she wants. Of course that just makes me jealous and more discouraged about my own situation. :sad:

    I think we'll all make it through this...with time and support from each other.
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