Anyone with IBS?

Hello Good Morning! I'm kind of new to the whole eating healthy and tracking everything. I also recently learned I have IBS and in the process of elimination to find out my trigger foods. I was hoping to find others out there who can relate and give each other advice and feedback I feel so alone right now. Thanks and have a good day.


  • jdawson002
    jdawson002 Posts: 167 Member
    I suffer from IBS too so your certainly not alone!! Feel free to add me for support
  • BrittanyP1981
    BrittanyP1981 Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you will do!
  • LifeInTheBikeLane
    LifeInTheBikeLane Posts: 345 Member
    I suffer with severe IBS-D. I have sadly dealt with this for longer than I can honestly remember but it has gotten worse as I left teenage years and entered my 20s.

    Fun little tid bit, I've recently discovered that my IBS could be a side effect of endometriosis of the bowel. So depending on your age you may want to assess your current symptoms as far as time of the month go. I never thought the two issues would have anything to do with each other and my general doctor doesn't do female-related problems so we never put two and two together! I am currently undergoing appointments and paying close attention to my problems so we can decide whether or not to do surgery to find out.

    IBS is no Bueno. Your not alone!
  • acorsaut89
    acorsaut89 Posts: 1,147 Member
    Hey! So I have IBS with the D portion/side effect. My biggest trigger is stress/emotional upset in all honesty. So I could eat one thing this week, and be fine and then the next week if I am really, really stressed out it will cause so many issues.

    Overall, though, my trigger foods tend to be a lot of dairy - milk, cream, ice cream, cheese, etc - with the exception of small amounts of greek yogurt. These tend to cause very uncomfortable bloating and cramping for me.

    I also don't do well with high fat content foods - like I really, really have to regulate how much avocado and nuts and seeds I consume. I know they are calorie dense, so we shouldn't consume a lot but for me I have to be even more careful. Also highly processed with things like MSG trigger unhappy results for me, personally.

    Overall I find the best and most sound choice is home cooked, whole foods. It is time consuming but I know what goes into it and I can control that. That's just my experience though.

    If you are working out - which can be challenging with IBS situations or symptoms - it can be tricky to figure out how to eat properly without causing troubles. However, my go to snack, and I haven't yet got tired of it, for pre-work out is unsweetened applesauce with a teaspoon of hemp hearts. It sits really light, doesn't have any adverse effects (well for me - I highly recommend you try eating it on a day you aren't working out first to see how your body reacts to hemp hearts because too much can cause unwanted side effects that are worsened with IBS) and it fuels me for my run. I have to stop eating about 2-3 hours before hand though, too.

    If you have any questions feel free to reach out . . . I am always open to discussing the situation and how to live with it with as few flare ups as possible.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,179 Member
    IB Gard
    It's an over-the-counter major help to your IBS. Mrs. B keeps no food down without her pills and IB Gard is one of them.
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    IB Gard
    It's an over-the-counter major help to your IBS. Mrs. B keeps no food down without her pills and IB Gard is one of them.

    Do you know if IB Gard is safe/helps those with ibs and ibd (crohn's)?
  • jdawson002
    jdawson002 Posts: 167 Member
    I'm an IBS-D sufferer too. I don't get the pain like many others but I do suffer from the urgency side of things.

    I've managed to get this fairly under control now with daily medication of codeine phosphate and sertraline for anxiety. CBT also helped.....speak to your doctor if you haven't tried this yet.

    I've gone from someone who didn't leave the house unless necessary to someone who travels abroad twice a year
  • BrittanyP1981
    BrittanyP1981 Posts: 4 Member
    Good Evening thanks everyone for sharing all this great information with me! I'm glad I'm not alone in this journey. I've only started the elimination challenge with Fodmaps a few days and I'm not 100% perfect but I feel a big difference. I still seem to be sick everyday getting ready for work maybe stress. I get sick 1-3 times but no pain or bloating and then I'm great the rest of the day. So I guess getting ready for work must set something off but I'm so greatful to not be in unending pain if this is the best it gets I can live with that. Hope everyone has a good night!
  • Kmedeiros83
    Kmedeiros83 Posts: 86 Member
    I've suffered from IBS for 15 years. Feel free to add me.
  • MollieT22
    MollieT22 Posts: 3 Member
    My IBS cause very painful internal gas and bloating. It's awful. I've had it for about 5 years. Probiotics help a lot and I've learned that stress is a big trigger. High fat foods that we are told to eat for good health like egg yolks, coconut oil, whole grains, and avocados are huge trigger foods. I've learned so much from Heather's IBS support (it's a webpage) and her book.
  • mizzzc
    mizzzc Posts: 346 Member
    currently diagnosed with ibs but undergoing appointments to rule out IBD (chrons) colonoscopy next Thursday B)
  • hale03071
    hale03071 Posts: 63 Member
    I've had IBS for the last 10+ years.... Just recently found a GI doctor that actual treats the cause of IBS instead of treating the symptoms of IBS. If you have IBS, check into seeing if you have pathogenic bacteria and/or candida yeast overgrowth in your gut. Anyone want more info, let me know. After testing that is what is causing my IBS and its being treated and I'm 90% better only two weeks in. I still cannot eat gluten, but other foods that used to trigger my IBS-D issues don't bother me anymore.

  • tinselart71
    tinselart71 Posts: 7 Member
    I had ibs-d for years.It was agony. Do those of you with IBS have anxiety issues, too? For me, it was a mind-gut connection. Once I found and began taking the right anti anxiety meds, it went away. I hope all of you can find a solution that works for you.
  • comptonelizabeth
    comptonelizabeth Posts: 1,701 Member
    I suffered from ibs for years and then developed ibd (ulcerative colitis) The fodmap diet really helped but do it with the support of a qualified dietician as it's complicated. I actually lost weight on it - which I didn't need to do (I'm trying to gain!) Feel free to add me
  • stampcats
    stampcats Posts: 3 Member
    Originally dx with its but turns out I have lymphocytic colitis. I know my triggers meat. Mostly red meat. Just joined mfp yesterday.
  • BrittanyP1981
    BrittanyP1981 Posts: 4 Member
    I was feeling so much better following the FODMAP eating plan. I seemed to only be sick in the mornings well work days anyway and I think stress is the problem with that once I was at work and settled in within the hour I was fine. The last 4 days have been terrible I hurt my foot I believe it's my tendonitis again. The pain has been terrible and it's made me nauseous and sick feeling all the time. I wonder if pain can trigger IBS because I feel awful now no matter what I do. I'm going to the doctor in a little while hopefully I will feel better soon it's terrible.
  • norawaller
    norawaller Posts: 36 Member
    my teenage daughter has IBS and her trigger is gluten, especially wheat. so not only do I have to watch every calorie I eat I also have to help her find things to eat that are gluten free, not easy in this world but getting easier. In addition anxiety and stress are huge triggers for her. She agonizes every test, every assignment in school. she also needs to make sure she is getting enough sleep, so important! She goes to counseling to help with the anxiety. Glad to help you if I can.
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    stampcats wrote: »
    Originally dx with its but turns out I have lymphocytic colitis. I know my triggers meat. Mostly red meat. Just joined mfp yesterday.

    I have crohn's colitis (and ibs but my crohn's is more severe) and red meat is definitely a trigger. It's hard to digest and anything hard to digest (like fiber) makes my body just give up trying.