Tried to introduce myself...

So I was a low carb girl, was also anorexic for a chunk of my life. I ended up passing out on a toilet while peeing due to malnutrition and my leg was resting on a heater attached to the wall. Full thickness burn, time in the hospital=140. Healthy. Bring in Lyme disease, steroids, doxycycline...then MS. Got scared, started listening to quack doctors, ridiculous diet/ I'm where I am.
I read about ketogenic/low carb diets to help my brain repair itself. These things I already knew-I was just so blindly scared that I was completely scattered.
I'm back and getting back into the swing of things again after having getting burned due to a muscle spasms and dumping boiling bone broth out of my pot onto my thigh a year ago. I was not treated correctly at the hospital, ended up with Septicemia in a bad way. By the time I allowed my husband to take me back in (I went twice), I was delirious and they believed I wasn't going to last the night.
I did.
Now my thyroid is dead.
Everything I've read about Synthroid is bad mojo, so until I find a suitable medication, I'm refused it and am looking for alternatives-vitamins, food, you name it.
Things have changed since I started this in 2001-I'm only 37, but holy cow.
No net carbs, count all carbs.
I need more than 2000 in Sodium? Makes sense considering I drink no less than a gallon of water a day and I'm still retaining some water.
Massive high fat, I'm getting too much protein?
Splenda is bad? Well, I know it's psycho processed, but it causes carb creep and weight stall? It never did before!
I used ketostix for a while wayyy back in the day to figure out what was working for me or not, but I drink so much it barely shows most of the time.
Now there is a breathalyzer and proper blood testing? I looked it up and saw throw away breathalyzer tests, but only alcohol digital testing...and so on.
Thank you for accepting me in this group. Calorie Count site is not nice about this way of life and downright shun/shame people. Other low carb forums aren't active, really.
I need the support.
Just copied and pasted this here. I hope I didn't offend anyone in any way.


  • HippySkoppy
    HippySkoppy Posts: 725 Member
    Goodness graious me you been through the mill over and over.

    I am astounded at your strength of will and character to keep going and trying to maintain your health to the best of your ability despite ALL of these incredibly difficult setbacks and medical issues that you are facing.

    Whilst I cannot speak to many of your health issues personally, I myself do suffer with chronic health problems and I do empathise with how difficult it can make life.

    Please get as much supoort as you can from family, friends and medical professionals. I thiink it would be very unwise to put stock in any advice about your medical conditions from those who are not properly educated and be wary of fad diets, scams etc. It is terribly easy to become prey to those who don't have YOUR best interests at heart.

    With the different conditions that I have, I know that trying to sort things out bit by bit can be VERY trying and tiring!! The only thing that has helped me is just trying to breathe through the process and just take one challenge on at a support and counselling can be essential for helping you realise that some days will be harder than others.

    Please try to use MFP wisely. Beware of any disordered feelings around food re-emerging, especially as you are feeling so desperate. I know that when I am feeling parituclarly bad MFP is a great tool for getting in adequate nutrition even when that is the last thing on my mind.

    Wishing you all the best. Welcome to MFP and I hope you find the site really helpful.
  • Athena98501
    Athena98501 Posts: 716 Member
    Sorry, but the thyroid issue is all I might be able to offer help with. I suggest you look up (and try) NP Thyroid. You'd be glad you did. It's always a long road getting the dose up to where you need it, but we'll worth it to say the least. Best of luck.
  • FungusGirl
    FungusGirl Posts: 27 Member
    Thank you! I'll check it out.
  • FungusGirl
    FungusGirl Posts: 27 Member
    Goodness graious me you been through the mill over and over.

    I am astounded at your strength of will and character to keep going and trying to maintain your health to the best of your ability despite ALL of these incredibly difficult setbacks and medical issues that you are facing.

    Whilst I cannot speak to many of your health issues personally, I myself do suffer with chronic health problems and I do empathise with how difficult it can make life.

    Please get as much supoort as you can from family, friends and medical professionals. I thiink it would be very unwise to put stock in any advice about your medical conditions from those who are not properly educated and be wary of fad diets, scams etc. It is terribly easy to become prey to those who don't have YOUR best interests at heart.

    With the different conditions that I have, I know that trying to sort things out bit by bit can be VERY trying and tiring!! The only thing that has helped me is just trying to breathe through the process and just take one challenge on at a support and counselling can be essential for helping you realise that some days will be harder than others.

    Please try to use MFP wisely. Beware of any disordered feelings around food re-emerging, especially as you are feeling so desperate. I know that when I am feeling parituclarly bad MFP is a great tool for getting in adequate nutrition even when that is the last thing on my mind.

    Wishing you all the best. Welcome to MFP and I hope you find the site really helpful.

    Thank you! My husband is pretty well aware and is helping me through everything. He's concerned because this stupid borderline neurosis got me to a place that almost killed me before. I'm keeping aware of it. He's with me on getting a Quantum scale so I can't see my weight, but tells me how much I've lost and it has an obsessive weighing lock down on it so you cannot weigh yourself constantly.
    I'm definitely starting counseling soon because body dysmorphia is a real thing with me. I can't change it.
    Thank you for your support and for the warm welcome! :)