Image issues? Why am I feeling this?

So I've been doing mfp for about 50 days. I work out almost daily and weigh in once a month. All of these things I am fine with and am showing slow steady sustainable results but, I have issues with my body image. Which u know everyone does otherwise we wouldn't be on here. Lately, I mine is extreme. I hate any image of myself and looking in the mirror I am constantly finding myself saying I look worse than when I started? Did anyone have this problem? Like I walk past the mirror in the bathroom and I look at my stomach and I feel more gross. Now than I ever did. And it's so weird because my pants are looser and energy is up but I can't shake this. Any other mfpers have this issue? What did you do for it that kept you sucessful?


  • octopusplum
    octopusplum Posts: 46 Member
    I'm worth USMCP here, try to find one thing you like. The refrigerator analogy is great.