New here - Time to get control of diabetes

Hi All - I'm Steve and new to the community, but not to MFP. Diagnosed with diabetes in 2015 and got on MFP to lose weight. It has been a roller coaster and my recent Dr visit showed worst numbers to date. I'm headed the wrong direction and must reverse course. My current choices are leading me to severe medical situations that will also sap my financial health.

I've engaged an accountability partner for weight loss and exercise and adding to that MFP again and this community. Looking for other friends to provide help and encouragement on this journey and to do the same in return.

Look forward to meeting many pilgrims on a similar journey. Thanks.


  • amey_89
    amey_89 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! I am also new to this and finding it very hard that I am just not thin anymore and if I want to return that way then I have to change. I gained my weight becoming a mum and I don't really drink I don't smoke or do drugs to make sure I am a good example to them but not sure how I can be if I can't control my eating habits. The thought of becoming diabetic scares me as I know I'm on the right track for it. I'm glad you have taken the step to help yourself! Stay strong!
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Hi, my diabetes is in remission now due to significant weight loss (over 80 pounds). I started to see improvement after losing twenty pounds and even bigger improvements at thirty. As I lost weight it got easier to move around. First I walked and then I ran.

    I am no longer on any medications.

    Ask me anything.
  • prdrivas
    prdrivas Posts: 47 Member
    Hi Steve. I was diagnosed 15 years ago. I have managed to get good control of my A1c (5.8-6.2) over the last five years. While I'm not off medication like @jgnatca, I have greatly reduced them. What did I do? I used a combination of a slow carb diet and exercise to lose 55 lbs. I started with small changes and adjusted over time. I won't lie, this was not a quick process. Like you, many of my initial appointments went in the wrong direction. There was a lot of trial and error until I found what would work. I think it's great that you've got an accountability partner. That will definitely help.

    If you want more detail about what I did, please feel free to ask. It sounds like you have an approach and I certainly hope it works for you.
  • liznotyet
    liznotyet Posts: 402 Member
    Hi Steve - please join one of the type 2 diabetes groups on MFP. It really helps to see what other people are going through and what they have tried.

    For me I have found that the nutritional advice given by most US doctors for diabetes is generally not that effective. I have gotten more results from a vegetarian diet from a weight loss and glucose control perspective, then the meat and salad cure. Whole grains, Lots of vegetables, beans and nuts in moderation, berries as main fruit, and even some dark chocolate once in a while. I try to have at least one pickled/fermented food every day (kimchi or sauerkraut) to help with digestion. At this point my BG is controlled but not resolved, so there are still some adjustments to be made.

    Eating differently from the mainstream is not easy, and I still get a craving if I smell a barbecue or see a cheesecake. But now I think of poking my finger every morning and I can see the number that will result, not to mention the cavalcade of complications that could ensue if I kept it up. I don't want to go there.

    Before I started I read everything and saw every documentary made about food and health. Send me a friend request if you would like recommendations.

    Best wishes!

  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I believe @prdrivas is eating very much like I do. I'm very conservative when it comes to nutrition and I follow the Canada Food Guide, the American Diabetes Association, and any WHO guidelines. I shoot for macro balance at every meal and snack, and shoot for fibrous carbs most often.

    A balanced macro snack might mean half a protein bar, cheese and crackers, edamame bean pods, apple and PB, celery and a laughing cow light cheese wedge, hummus and crackers, black bean dip and veggie chips, a tuna snack pack, or a couple tablespoons of nuts.

    I never allow myself to get to the "hangry" stage. I carry an appropriate portable snack with me everywhere.
  • Ming1951
    Ming1951 Posts: 514 Member
    I am not diabetic but at my age know it would be a better of time. My mom had type 2 diabetes which led her to heart failure. I've been a yo-yo dieter but now at 65 I see myself declining, becoming difficult to walk do to arthritis and being overweight. Running out of energy. My mind still wants to do things and not act like I am 85. (though I know serval who are still active at that age). I've done Atkins, low carb but frankly it just wasn't working for me anymore too much fat and I was just tired of it. So now I am on Nutrisystem. I really like it so far I am on day 29 and have lost 12 lbs. I want to lose a total of 70 lbs. to get me to a healthy weight. I do not feel deprived and I am not hungry. I am also drinking 64 oz of water per day plus my morning java. I use to drink coke, diet but really I have no desire for it anymore. I am too full of water. LOL. Good luck on your journey to better health, feel free to friend me, anyone else also and maybe we can help one another stay accountable.
  • froggysfriend
    froggysfriend Posts: 220 Member
    So great that you are tackling your diabetes this way! I don't have it so can't be any real help. But will just say that I started with exercise (again seriously) at the beginning of September and have been able to build up patiently so that I can do more and more and haven't hurt myself in the process. It try to do some lifestyle things - walking 30 minutes round trip to get coffee at lunch - and getting to the gym or other workout location most days. Have fun with it!
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I really like this black bean dip.