Quad Question

Hi everyone!

This question mainly goes out to people who used to lift weights and then stopped lifting.

In college I was a varsity athlete and thus had to lift a lot. We did a TON of squats (with heavy weight) and my quads got pretty big. Now I've stopped lifting altogether and I've started running. Will my quads ever get smaller??




  • peachNpunkin
    peachNpunkin Posts: 1,010 Member
    Now, I know people who have paid good money to have quads like yours. Your quads are not too big. They are actually quite beautiful.
    But the answer to your question, Muscle has very good memory, and with that said, they may shrink, but I doubt it. Just make sure to stretch really well. You may try yoga too. Maybe that will help to lengthen them.
  • peachNpunkin
    peachNpunkin Posts: 1,010 Member
    Now, I know people who have paid good money to have quads like yours. Your quads are not too big. They are actually quite beautiful.
    But the answer to your question, Muscle has very good memory, and with that said, they may shrink, but I doubt it. Just make sure to stretch really well. You may try yoga too. Maybe that will help to lengthen them.
  • dosesr4winners20
    Those legs look like mine but with smaller calfs just from playing softball for years. i love mine like this, so many guys complament me all the time. mine haven't gone down at all since i started walking/joggin. i just don't try to make them bigger lol

    let me know if running does anything for ya!

  • peachNpunkin
    peachNpunkin Posts: 1,010 Member
    Now, I know people who have paid good money to have quads like yours. Your quads are not too big. They are actually quite beautiful.
    But the answer to your question, Muscle has very good memory, and with that said, they may shrink, but I doubt it. Just make sure to stretch really well. You may try yoga too. Maybe that will help to lengthen them.

    Sorry, for some reason it popped my reply up twice. I don't know how to remove the this one, so just ignore it.
  • amandaking0420
    I have been wondering this myself. I just started lifting heavy and my quads got pretty big. I am having trouble finding jeans that fit. (they are to big in the waist and to tight around my quads.)

    I am concerned that if I ever decide to just stop lifting that my body wont go "back" to the way it was......

    great question! :smile:
  • missxlaur
    missxlaur Posts: 286
    Those legs look like mine but with smaller calfs just from playing softball for years. i love mine like this, so many guys complament me all the time. mine haven't gone down at all since i started walking/joggin. i just don't try to make them bigger lol

    let me know if running does anything for ya!


    mine are from softball too. i was a catcher. bah.
  • thkelly
    thkelly Posts: 466 Member
    imo they don't look too big at all. they look great

    to answer your question....i think if you stopped squatting completely and just ran then you could lose some size. most runners don't have huge quads.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I think your quads look fantastic...women pay big bucks for that you know...keep 'em!
  • dosesr4winners20
    Those legs look like mine but with smaller calfs just from playing softball for years. i love mine like this, so many guys complament me all the time. mine haven't gone down at all since i started walking/joggin. i just don't try to make them bigger lol

    let me know if running does anything for ya!


    mine are from softball too. i was a catcher. bah.

    Same here and 3rd basewomen lol!!!!