Feel Like Giving Up!

I am at wits end, although I have only been a member of MFP for about a month I have been trying to lose these last 10 lbs for over a year! I've tried everything! I reached my goal weight 3 years ago but that is also when I met my boyfriend so I got "comfy" in my relationship and gained back 10lbs. And now my body is so used to eating 1700+ calories a day I can't seem to get under that without feeling like I'm starving myself! :(

Should I just be really strict and stick to the 1200 calories or slowly reduce my eating down to that amount? I do workout almost everyday for about an hour, usually running or circuit training so I am burning a lot of calories but not enought to lose any weight.

Please any or all tips/motivation/encouragement/anyone in the relatively same situation... HELP! :sad:


  • cabul3
    cabul3 Posts: 210 Member
    if going straight to 1200 seems like an overwhelming adjustment, start with 1700, then 1500, then 1200, one week at a time! also remember that exercising can earn you extra calories if you're really hungry!!
  • ka_bateman
    ka_bateman Posts: 230 Member
    or add a little exercise and earn some extra calories...good luck!
  • mckamenir
    mckamenir Posts: 1 Member
    I feel like giving up most of the time. I'm starving! 1200 calories is not a lot. Yesterday, I thought I was doing well cause I didn't have any carbs. Then, when I logged everything in, I found out I ate double the allotted amount. UGH! GRRR! So damn frustrating.

    I have more than ten pounds to lose, so I may not be the one to give advice, but honestly, I wouldn't kill myself over the last ten! Why sweat it? LIfe's too short. Stop sacrificing and enjoy yourself; just don't over-indulge or the ten will quickly increase!:smile:
  • lisapickering
    If you only have 10lbs to lose then eating 1200 calories probably isn't enough. You need to eat to lose. Set your weight loss goal at 0.5 lbs / week and you will get more calories and probably be more sucessful. And eat back your exercise calories!
  • Gilbrod
    Gilbrod Posts: 1,216 Member
    Well, you're doing all the right things. Just because you want to consume less calories, doesn't mean you have to starve yourself. Replace the high caloric/fatty things with healthier, more filling things. Also, drink a crapload of water. My wife is fitter than me. After she started drinking more than 64oz of water a day, she started noticing the difference and now her weight is coming off. You're not being lazy, so I won't give you the "enjoy being fat quitter speech." Just keep at it. Maybe you need to step it up a notch in your workouts. Good luck and don't give up.
  • mrskimberlyhampton
    mrskimberlyhampton Posts: 8 Member
    Maybe you could try some high protein, high fiber meals. I have seen the most results when I drink Pure Protein drinks for bf. They are only 140 calories + 80 if you mix with skim milk. I agree, I hate to feel like I am starving. Beans are another good option. It is so easy to want to give up when you are not seeing results, but you only have 10 lbs! That is awesome. Good luck :)
  • BethanyMasters
    BethanyMasters Posts: 519 Member
    I've been where you've been. I was losing weight, then i met my boyfriend and got comfortable and hit my highest weight.

    The first thing that sticks out to me (and this is going to sound silly) is that horse in your picture. If you are riding a lot and taking care of a horse your activity is probably pretty high.

    And if your goal calories is set at 1200 I have a feeling that you have your activity level set to sedentary or low or because you don't have that much to lose?

    In any case what gets me is that every time I quit if I had stuck with it I would probably have been at my goal YEARS ago and would probably have been able to move on with other things in my life by now. If you quit you are going to have that same regret down the road.

    And keep in mind if you only have like 10 pounds to lose it's ok and normal to only lose a half pound or less per week.
  • aarn6911
    aarn6911 Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks everyone for the tips and advice! Muuuch appreciated :flowerforyou:
  • _Khaleesi_
    _Khaleesi_ Posts: 877 Member
    I went from an unrestricted diet --> trying to eat healther --> 1590 calorie limit ---> 1290 calorie limit and now 1200 calorie limit. I barely noticed it. The slow decline worked for me.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    If you only have 10lbs to lose then eating 1200 calories probably isn't enough. You need to eat to lose. Set your weight loss goal at 0.5 lbs / week and you will get more calories and probably be more sucessful. And eat back your exercise calories!

    Exactly right.

    1200 calories is NOT a magic number for all people to live by.