Incorporating Exercise and Diet in Field Work Lifestyle

In 2014, I lost 20lbs in 3months by strictly eating 1,200cals a day while losing 1000cals through daily exercise. My net daily calorie intake was 200, whereas I was supposed to eat 1700cals to maintain the weight of 155lbs. Thus, I lost 1,500cals a day, roughly two pounds a week.

I wasn't able to maintain that routine, and gained all those weight back in a little over a year and haven't been able to remove it since.

My life has changed since that time too and my job doesn't really allow me to be in one place for more than a week. I am everywhere all the time. It's stressful and I eat when I can find food. It's a lot of field work and staying in rural communities without healthy food source. I tend to overeat after the work is done or energise myself through chocolates. And since I move around a lot, finding myself in unfamiliar places, always on the go bringing with me minimal clothing, tending to be in places without a gym or sharing homestay rooms and the sort, I really have no idea how to exercise.

What's the best way to lose weight in the field work lifestyle? People working in NGOs or in development work in general will understand. I need a sustainable way. A complete lifestyle change that makes it possible to lose and maintain a healthy weight?

My goal is to lose 28lbs before I turn 28years old. I'm giving myself four months, from 8 November to 8 March.


  • Meghanebk
    Meghanebk Posts: 321 Member
    Well, in my experience the faster I lose, the more likely I am to gain it back. If I were you I'd try to lose a permanent 5 pounds in 4 months, not a temporary 28. Can you pack any nonperishable healthier foods with your few clothes? I take oatmeal and dry nonfat milk powder (and cinnamon or raisins or something) with me when I travel. Hot water is one of the few things usually available. I also may not eat be able to eat as healthy as I like when I'm not home but I try to watch portion control and take a few seconds to actually think and pick the healthiest option of whatever's available.
  • Richie2shoes
    Richie2shoes Posts: 412 Member
    You can always do body-weight exercises, walk or use resistance bands. As for the food, Meghanebk gave the same advice I would, make the best choices available and watch the portion sizes.
  • ronjsteele1
    ronjsteele1 Posts: 1,064 Member
    Just parking further away from the places I'm going so I had to walk more took me from a sedentary 2000-3000 steps a day to a consistent 10-12,000 steps a day. I also take the stairs where they're available, etc. I would think doing simple things like that and really watching your portion sizes will be key. Always leave half or more of a meal and eat the rest at the next meal if you have to. Order kid size portions, etc. Maybe having an activity tracker would help keep you motivated and also let you know if you need to move more that day. Take walks around the block when you're done working for the day. In the end, it will come down to portion control.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited October 2016
    It can be done. You just need to strategize, plan and set goals. You can still eat out and lose weight. And as far as exercise, you can do this with out a lot of exercise but that too can be incorporated if you truly want to continue to exercise.

    1) get you an activity tracker/device.. this can help you with step counting, calories in and out.. motivate you to move, etc..

    2) eat less food ..buying smaller portioned sizes, being a little more picky about your choices.

    3) exercise can be done, find you 10 minutes 3 times a day to do something active that you are not doing now. If you do this, you have added 30 minutes of activity to your day.

    4) park far away from entrances, takes stairs, avoid drive throughs, take short walks, take the long way around, etc..

  • Andreayeomans71
    Andreayeomans71 Posts: 1 Member
    I've never posted anything before and I don't have a magic fix for you or even any more advice than what has already been suggested. What I do have is encouragement. You can do this,especially if you stop giving yourself a strict timeline for loss. Look at this as a lifestyle change not just so you can lose a few lbs in a few months. EVERY choice you make today has an impact on tomorrow. Be consistent with excersize(as mentioned before, just a few minutes every day will help!!) Take food with you when you can and remember if it doesn't challenge you it won't change you. Be kind and patient to yourself. Good luck!