Weight loss plateau??



  • ktra2014
    ktra2014 Posts: 21 Member
    Congratulations that's a huge loss.
    I have a couple questions for you.
    Do your pants feel looser during the last 3 weeks? How about your belt? Do you feel better in general? Have you tried measuring your body every month? Taking a picture each month?
    There are many forms to measure progress not just the scale you could be losing fat and inches and is really hard for the scale to pick that up. If you look at my profile pic I have lost 8 pounds in a year eating about 1200-1400 but the scale does not say that I have gained muscle and lost tons of inches.
    Good luck don't get discouraged and take it one day at a time.
  • fordfan1993
    fordfan1993 Posts: 17 Member
    Actually that is one thing I neglected to mention, Since the beginning of my weight loss journey I have dropped 5 pant sizes and 4 shirt sizes, but haven't taken measurements though. That is my overall size difference but I suppose I should start tracking inches and taking measurements periodically for a little further insight.
  • fordfan1993
    fordfan1993 Posts: 17 Member
    I also wonder if changing the time of day that I workout could help as well?
  • courtneyfabulous
    courtneyfabulous Posts: 1,863 Member
    I also wonder if changing the time of day that I workout could help as well?

    It doesn't really matter what time you work out, just do it when it's most convenient - hitting your calorie goals is the most important.

    Check out my earlier comments about metabolism & calories, I think understanding metabolism is far more important that what time you work out.
  • CattOfTheGarage
    CattOfTheGarage Posts: 2,745 Member
    If you are only weighing every 3 weeks you will be very vulnerable to blips - meaning you have happened to weigh yourself at a point when your weight has spiked up due to water retention (which can happen for all sorts of reasons) and this can make it seem like your progress is slower than it really is. I would suggest, if you want to go on weighing only every 3 weeks, to do it 3 days in a row rather than only once. That will not rule out blips (as weight spikes can go on longer than that) but will give you a better chance of missing them.

    I agree with others that speaking to a doctor or dietitian may give you information you won't get here, as the "rules" at your weight are quite different, and some of the things we worry about at lower weights, like losing muscle mass for example, or avoiding large deficits, may not apply in your case, or not in the same way. Having said that, there are a lot of people on here who have come down from very high weights and may be able to help you with specifics. In general, don't be discouraged - you're doing amazing work and getting amazing results. Keep being an inspiration!
  • fordfan1993
    fordfan1993 Posts: 17 Member
    Thank you! I will continue to work hard and will begin seeing a dietitian or doctor as well.
  • JennifrClaire
    JennifrClaire Posts: 141 Member
    I dont have any advice, I just wanted to say that is an impressive weightloss and I tip my cap to you. Dont give up.
    Good luck.
  • fordfan1993
    fordfan1993 Posts: 17 Member
    Thank you. I very much appreciate you!
  • sunmoonvenus
    sunmoonvenus Posts: 2 Member
    edited October 2016
    Hi! Well I was with you and opted out of surgery but was diabetic and had hypertension and was dying. What worked for me was upping calories and lowering carbs. Cut out the oatmeal. No bread, rice, potatoes or grains. Never sugar. Yes to all those meats that you are denying yourself like steak and burgers with bacon etc. Just no bread, not even wheat. Eat those veggies and fruits when you crave sugar and eat nuts (I like unsalted) when you crave chips. If you eat more overall but avoid carbs you will kick your liver into fat burning and will literally pee it out at night if you sleep at least 7 hours. Well this is how I did it, plateaus I ate more and went for walks. Time to go outside and walk the block or try something like "Walk away the pounds, Leslie Sansone" http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1v5qwl_walk-away-the-pounds-with-leslie-sansone-3-mile-weight-loss-walk_lifestyleat right at home. Keep it up handsome!!