Hi Looking for Friends and Sharing Advice

Hi there, I'm Ann, been on for a few weeks and find this very energizing. I'm halfway through my weight loss journey, 25-30 lbs to go (kind stuck, plateaued) and looking for friends to share advice, give motivation, etc. Feel free to add me and post. Look forward to sharing with everyone.


  • Gracedtimes2
    Gracedtimes2 Posts: 38 Member
    Hey there! Sounds like we are in the same boat. I just began yesterday and have about 30 to lose as well. Would love to share tips, motivation, encouragement while on his journey.
  • ann_imani
    ann_imani Posts: 11 Member
    Hi there, I have been sharing as much as possible that i can, not sure if you see all my posts, if so hope being helpful bc this is tough and frustrating as hell when u work so hard and nothing happens, i even gain weight sometimes.
  • andrewbrewer14
    andrewbrewer14 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi Ann. When you plateau you need to start doing things differently.You body is to accustomed to what you doing so change it. Just put a bit of variety to your exercise