Back at it!

Hi All!

I use to be an ACTIVE member on myfitness, but jumped ship when life became busy. For those that are completely new, it works! It really does. There are so many aspects of this site that help not only encourage, but provide you the tools to meet your goals.

I'm back because I know it works and I'm getting myself back on track. You can't let life get in the way of your healthy self. This is a great place for support and I'd be glad to be your support!


  • mcfine55
    mcfine55 Posts: 6 Member
    Just what I need fieldhjunkie, support. I am back and determine to stick it out this time.
  • slcope2014
    slcope2014 Posts: 2 Member
    I am the same. This time I hope is different, are you going to do anything differently?
  • fieldhjunkie
    fieldhjunkie Posts: 108 Member
    This time I want to change my diet more so that I can keep it off. Before I was focused so much on just losing weight, but nit the keeping it off part.