Dukan Diet

Has anyone ever done or is currently on the above diet. I have signed up for it but am wondering if anyone struggled to follow it, found it beneficial and good... any information would be great!!


  • StEt0417
    StEt0417 Posts: 6
    A friend of mine did that and loss a ton of weight!
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    It's been given pretty bad ratings by health groups but probably because it's one of those diets you can't sustain for a long period. It has you eating nothing but protein at first which carries its own risks. I've heard both good and bad from those who've tried it, but don't know anyone who has stayed on it for very long.
  • garysgirl719
    garysgirl719 Posts: 235 Member
    I have two friends who did it. The both dropped weight quickly on it. They both gained back everything they loss plus some just as quickly.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I should add, that unless you are planning to eat as that diet tells you to FOR LIFE, you are probably not going to have a lot of success long term. If you find it unsustainable, once you go off the diet and go back to the way you were eating beforehand, you'll gain the weight right back. Maybe more. That's usually the case when someone tells you that they tried a diet and gained it all right back. They went back to doing what they were doing to cause them to gain the weight they are trying to lose in the first place.

    Let me stress that I am by NO means recommending Dukan. In fact, I'd tell you to avoid it like the plague if asked directly. However, if you want to give it a try and then decide you can't keep it up, be sure to switch from Dukan to another type of diet (low calorie following MFP's plan, for instance) you might be able to maintain and even increase your loss to that point and it won't be a total loss.
  • sexforjaffacakes
    sexforjaffacakes Posts: 1,001 Member
    I'm getting great results - the Dukan diet is a lifelong plan soooo if your friends put the weight straight back on it's probably because they gave up and didn't follow the consolidation and maintinence plans after losing the weight. And I find it sustainable, the first section is the protein only one but it only lasts a few days so not really long enough for all the health concerns to actually take effect, and then the second phase there's 100 different vegetables, meats and dairy products you can have. So it really isn't the most restrictive diet.
  • FatGirlSlim89
    Here's a link you may like to read, I found it interesting! :D

  • apmemo
    apmemo Posts: 43
    My starting weight is right where you were, and I have a goal of 118 lbs. I started Dukan on 6/18/2011 and yesterday I weighed in at 118.9. I haven't had a hard time sticking with it, and all my carby snack cravings are gone. I'm a vegetarian so I'm even more limited than most, but it takes discipline. And you can't just resume your old eating habits afterward. I'm a huge fan of it, as no diet or exercise plan has given me any results. Just be ready with a wide variety of approved foods, because you will get tired of eating the same thing over and over. There are lots of Dukan approved recipes for the different phases all over the internet. Good luck!
  • lidunne
    lidunne Posts: 46 Member
    Everyone, thank you so much for your reponses! My attack phase is 2 days and then i have a cruiser phase of some many other days so not too worried about the protein only part! My main reason for doing this is mainly to have more disapline around my diet. I found that since weight watchers changed their points plan and added the weekly allowance that i can't help having treats and snacks and they aren't good ones. With this is it certain approved foods and alcohol free, which lets face it.... i love a chilled glass of white wine in the evenings to unwind! I don't expect miracles just control. I'll keep you posted on how i go, i start next monday now because i am having a girlie night out on saturday.... then it's all about the new me!!!!
  • maggieskinner
    I started this diet last week and have lost about 5lb on it so far. It suits me as I'm not a great fan of vegetables and salad and find most diets revolve around these. I make sure I take a multi vitamin/mineral tablet every day but I don't have huge amounts to lose so don;t expect to be on the most restrictive stages for too long. Don't think i will find eating just protein for 1 day a week that hard. Time will tell :happy:
  • sexforjaffacakes
    sexforjaffacakes Posts: 1,001 Member
    I started this diet last week and have lost about 5lb on it so far. It suits me as I'm not a great fan of vegetables and salad and find most diets revolve around these. I make sure I take a multi vitamin/mineral tablet every day but I don't have huge amounts to lose so don;t expect to be on the most restrictive stages for too long. Don't think i will find eating just protein for 1 day a week that hard. Time will tell :happy:

    I was the same! It's not hard,but does get a bit boring. I'll take being bored and full over being hungry and eating icky vegetables though!