Determined to succeed

Hi everybody,
I started my weight loss journey alittle over a year ago. Unfortionately, I yo-yo week to week. I can lose 3 pounds in one week and at the next weeks weigh in I could gain four. I am keeping my calories at 1500 or less. I walk 3 miles a day 3-4 days a week and do Zumba at least twice a week. I am not doing strength training because my doctor wants to me to wait till I lose a little more weight. When I started this, I weighed 288 pounds, as of today, I am at 254. I drink 9 to 15 glasses of water a day...
I am determined to reach 200 pounds by January 1, 2012 and reach my goal weight of 165 by May, 2012. I welcome any tips, ideas, and low calorie recipes!
Thanks you!


  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    I'm so proud of you for taking care of you!
  • TrishL1986
    TrishL1986 Posts: 5 Member
    Sounds like you are going an amazing job already. Keep up the good work.
  • Mistykelly
    Mistykelly Posts: 47 Member
    Recently I have started the Cabbage Soup Diet, I really think after the 7 day process I will keep it on hand and eat it during the day and for meals when possible! It is really good and 4 cups is only 90 calories! Plus I am getting my veggies for the day! Honestly, I wish I would have made it earlier. It is really easy to make and it makes A TON! I will prob be able to Freeze and eat it for a few weeks! Good Luck!
  • adri_ana12
    congrats u are doing an awesome job already.