Do you have a unique challenge?

If so what is it? I thought if we could share a challenge that we face and how we overcome it it would be motivational.

I'm a cook in a nursing home. In addition to handling food ALL DAY it's literally part of my job to taste all the food I prepare. It's only a bite here and there, but it adds up. So, I try to save 200 cals a day for miscellaneous bites, and if possible get other people to try it! ha. I also do my best to not become hungry at work where I'm surrounded by enormous amounts of food. It's not easy, but I've been ok so far.


  • courtneyfabulous
    courtneyfabulous Posts: 1,863 Member
    Great idea!

    I've got a few current challenges:
    •Bad hip - never injured it so must be genetic. Working with a trainer to figure out ways to work out without aggravating it. I can still do most things but have to be careful and avoid certain moves like forward lunges, certain types of squats, some twisting motions, etc.
    •Endomorph body type & short - constant challenge for me! I really have to watch my calories and learn to be ok with the fact that weight loss is slower and harder for me - I used to get so annoyed that I had tall thin friends that could eat anything & everything & stay thin... while I could gain 5 pounds just thinking about a cupcake! Now learning to accept my body type and work with it instead of fight it or feel sorry for myself.
    •Desk job - sitting for most of the day is not the best for my posture or metabolism. Got a desk that can convert to standing so now standing for part of the day and trying to remember to take stretching breaks. Also have incorporated a lot more exercise into my routine to try to counteract all the sedentary work time.

    Challenges I have overcome:
    •Anorexia & bulimia- this was in my teens but I managed to overcome it with a focus on being healthy instead of thin.
    •Sugar addiction- this was a hard one. Years of being mindful, cutting refined sugar out completely, being on and off the wagon... finally have found a happy balance but I have to always be careful not to overindulge in refined sugar & fall back into it.
    •Being a little too fond of wine- tough but I have quit for now. Will allow myself some on occasion when I've reached maintenance phase.
    •Severe anemia- this took surgery to fix the issue causing it (excessive bleeding from fibroids & adenomyosis- cure was a hysterectomy), then months of iron supplements & iron rich foods diet to build up my iron stores and hemoglobin. All better now.
  • amrluvarr
    amrluvarr Posts: 52 Member
    I have Crohn's disease so I've been on and off steroids this year. In an effort to get the crohn's in remission I'm doing an elimination diet (AIP-paleo). I'm dropping weight since it's such a nutrient dense diet but I'm too weak to exercise. I'm worried about loose skin so this week I will be trying to get in a 10 minute workout each day that focus on strength. I too have a desk job so I am going to try and leave my desk every couple hours to get a quick walk in.
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    amrluvarr wrote: »
    I have Crohn's disease so I've been on and off steroids this year. In an effort to get the crohn's in remission I'm doing an elimination diet (AIP-paleo). I'm dropping weight since it's such a nutrient dense diet but I'm too weak to exercise. I'm worried about loose skin so this week I will be trying to get in a 10 minute workout each day that focus on strength. I too have a desk job so I am going to try and leave my desk every couple hours to get a quick walk in.

    I have crohn's too and have tons of food restrictions. It's hard not being able to eat raw vegetables and fruits
  • chassp8pooh
    chassp8pooh Posts: 131 Member
    I am constantly on the road with my husband going all over the US in an 18 wheeler. I cook about 85-90 % of our foods on the road using a generator for house power, a microwave,toaster oven,microwave pressure cooker ,skillet and crock pot. Being bombarded by fast food and junk every day is not easy. Also the only exercise I get right now is my outdoor run which don't get done if the weather is horrendous . That being said I've lost over 80 pounds in almost five months on the road. It can be done,just takes patience and diligence .
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    A bunch of mental health conditions which this year have been incredibly unstable (just at the GP this morning getting referred back to the mental health team). So it's not always easy to keep on top of food intake when I'm unable to cook proper meals and keep up the exercise to a level I'd like. I'm still managing to lose though, about 0.5lbs per week on average this year which is a total triumph in the face of everything.

    Next challenge will be going back on psych meds, adjustment periods are brutal for them.
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    Great idea!
    •Endomorph body type & short - constant challenge for me! I really have to watch my calories and learn to be ok with the fact that weight loss is slower and harder for me - I used to get so annoyed that I had tall thin friends that could eat anything & everything & stay thin... while I could gain 5 pounds just thinking about a cupcake! Now learning to accept my body type and work with it instead of fight it or feel sorry for myself.
    •Desk job - sitting for most of the day is not the best for my posture or metabolism. Got a desk that can convert to standing so now standing for part of the day and trying to remember to take stretching breaks. Also have incorporated a lot more exercise into my routine to try to counteract all the sedentary work time.

    1) Somatotypes aren't a medically defined thing. You merely have a low TDEE which is probably caused by your desk job.
    2) Desk jobs are not ideal for keeping TDEE high. I went through a period of walking to/from work, walking at lunch and in the evening and managed to increase TDEE by 10-20%.