Fitbit during exercise

I have a flex and I am interested if I should wear this for exercise and not log my exercise time on MFP, or take it off for exercise and log on MFP? what is the general concensus on this?

by exercise I mean when I swim, take part in a class like kettlebells or workout in the gym. I will wear the fitbit for walking as this makes sense


  • molepigeon
    molepigeon Posts: 22 Member
    Personally, I just use what fitbit says and I don't log anything else. I either run or lift weights. I also try and walk as much as I can. Its hard to judge the calorie burn from weights so I don't log anything and I've found my HRM tends to match (roughly) what my fitbit says. I'd rather have a conservative estimate on what I've burnt as I tend to eat a decent amount of my exercise calories back.
    Can you use your fitbit whilst swimming? I don't have a flex, I have a zip so I'm not sure if this would log properly for you. Perhaps log that activity!
  • curlywurly1977
    curlywurly1977 Posts: 6 Member
    yes fitbit is waterproof and can be worn for swimming, from what you have said I think I maybe should just use the calories the FB says I have and not log anymore. I am only on 1200 a day so the extra I get from the Fit Bit are a great exercise motivation for me
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    edited October 2016
    My flex packaging recommends not wearing while swimming. I log my weight lifting and cardio classes separately. This works for me because I don't eat many exercise calories back anyway.
  • nhowell1
    nhowell1 Posts: 6 Member
    I did not think any for it was water proof. Splash yes but check for definite before swimming or you may end up with a plastic bracket!. Re tracking. I saw this on fit it website:

    "For trackers that support heart rate monitoring, you would probably only want to log an activity manually if you forgot to wear your tracker or forgot to track the exercise. These trackers take heart rate into account when calculating calories burned, so even if an activity doesn't count steps, you still get calorie count information".
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    by exercise I mean when I swim, take part in a class like kettlebells or workout in the gym.

    Remove it and log these separately.