Needing mates for support, accountability and motivation

Hey everyone,

I live in New Zealand but I'm open to friends anywhere. I have always struggled with my weight until 2 years ago, I started on this journey to lose a lot of weight and increase my fitness, so my husband and I could start a family. I lost 43kgs however when I finally got my miracle baby I put all the weight back on so I'm starting from scratch.

I adore my son but he is now 5 months old and he needs me to pull my finger out and get healthy so I can be around for years to come for him and my family.

I'm really motivated but I'd love to be on this journey with others who are in the same boat as me or even others who have been through the experience of being morbidly obese (at least that's how the medical profession categorise us) and losing a lot of weight.

Look forward to hearing from you.

Orla xxx


  • juneric23
    juneric23 Posts: 10 Member
    You can add me. I also have a son who is now 5 months and I want to shed the baby fat. Am from Kenya and am ready to do this.
  • alrndn
    alrndn Posts: 2 Member
    You can add me. I'm from the United States. I've got 3 kids. I'm currently @ 197 and want to go to 155. Some days I'm super motivated, other days not so much, but I'm really trying.
  • OrlaKane339
    OrlaKane339 Posts: 50 Member
    Thanks ladies, great to have the support!!!! And I'm hoping to be able to support you guys too.
  • spaceytracey2000
    spaceytracey2000 Posts: 6 Member
    You can add me too.
  • Danyewtf
    Danyewtf Posts: 30 Member
    Hey ! You can add me also
  • Linseymout
    Linseymout Posts: 159 Member
    Firstly congrats on your son!!
    Secondly high five and well done on wanting to get healthy for yourself and your son!
    I have lost 40kgs so far. Still have about 10 to go so totally get where you coming from!!
    You WILL do it with the right mindset. Take it one day at a time!
  • TheePhoenix
    TheePhoenix Posts: 26 Member
    feel free to add me as well. I'm hoping to lose a little over 200 pounds. and congrats on the wee one!
  • trinadbishop
    trinadbishop Posts: 2 Member
    I am new on this journey I am looking to lose 40lbs and change my eating. Dr said no dairy, gluten and sugar so I am gonna struggle. Looking for friends that won't judge me or say I shouldn't listen to my dr. Please feel free to add me I am in Washington state
  • nyokwach
    nyokwach Posts: 1 Member
    I am new here, I have been struggling with my weight ever since I had my babies. I am now obese and I would love to join you in this journey. Hard as it may seem, I believe with the support from here,we will manage.
  • janetennet
    janetennet Posts: 143 Member
    Feel free to add me, I'm in South Africa but have a few friends in NZ and it's nice to have people from different timezones active at different times :)