Why did you choose to loose weight?

I've been over weight my whole life and have always wanted to do something about it, I've tried before and now I'm trying again. I hope to loose the weight so I can wear a bikini for once in my life and get a nice wedding dress, but why have you chosen to loose weight?


  • crackpotbaby
    crackpotbaby Posts: 1,297 Member
    I was always slim (with body image issues).
    Then I gained a lot of weight.
    I don't feel like myself; I want to feel like myself again.
  • jdmoyes
    jdmoyes Posts: 1 Member
    I'm approaching middle age. I was always accustomed to a fast metabolism with no weight issues. But then I took a desk job! And quit smoking! And started eating a lot!

    So now I've packed on a bit more extra me than I used to have, and it's having negative affects on my functionality and general well-being. I mean, yeah, losing the weight has the added benefit of aesthetics, but mostly I just want to be able to put on my socks without running out of breath.
  • PixelPuff
    PixelPuff Posts: 902 Member
    Despite being young, and not morbidly obese, my weight was murdering my health [200lbs @ 5'2", was BMI of 36.6]. Losing the weight has removed every single health issue I had been having.
  • RainbowDash36
    RainbowDash36 Posts: 21 Member
    I chose to lose weight to live a healthier & happier lifestyle. I am already feeling results -8 lbs in.
  • 285to170
    285to170 Posts: 330 Member
    I used to be smaller and athletic. Then one day running up stairs got me so winded I had to go stand in a corner cause I didn't want anyone to hear me breathing so heavily. Plus (TMI) I found some old nudes and had a moment of "woah I used to be hot".
  • SophNewts
    SophNewts Posts: 30 Member
    Although the health benefits cannot be dismissed, in all honesty, I looked (but more importantly felt) unattractive and it had a massive impact on my self confidence. I went through a denial phase of "oh i'm not that big" and used that excuse, mentality and the comfort of a happy relationship to allow myself to eat whatever I wanted, when I wanted and ignored the consequences. It wasn't until I was in the right place mentally that I was able to commit to the diet/exercise needed to start losing and once it started coming off, I felt so much better about myself - not just physically but my self worth. Getting compliments both from people I knew and strangers was also a massive boost. I never thought that other people's opinions could affect me so greatly but it really did. I always had younger, skinnier friends who got all the attention and suddenly realised one day that I was actually "hot". I don't really believe it still some days but when I look back at old photos and see how far I've come, I always feel proud of myself and that's a great feeling.
  • kristinlabbe7887
    kristinlabbe7887 Posts: 9 Member
    My health was a huge reason. My blood pressure was the highest it could be while on birth control and my doctor said I needed to lose at least 15lbs to be safe. So I lost 40! I want to feel good as well, I don't need to be skinny but healthy for sure. Good luck to you in your journey!
  • sunman00
    sunman00 Posts: 872 Member
    life or death; my Dad died age 51, so did one of his brothers; cholesterol, diabetes, congenital heart disease, organ failure, fatty liver, malfunctioning kidneys; you name it, being overweight leads to it, so I took what I saw was the only way out, & quite frankly I feel 20 years younger :) good luck everybody.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I was primarily worried about my health...had some nasty blood work come back when I went in for my 38 birthday checkup...decided I wanted to get healthy and be fit again...losing weight was largely a nice bi-product of eating for my health and regular exercise.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    I'd never been overweight before and I just didn't feel like me anymore so I decided to stop using food to make myself feel better and get back to being me.
  • I finally decided to lose weight when I went to a doctors appointment, detecting high blood pressure, high cholesterol and have already been on thyroid meds for quite some time. Kind of a real eye opener for me. I decided that it was finally time to start getting healthier and becoming more fit. My grandson is also an inspiration to me, I want to see him grow up and not get out of breath when he starts wanting to play with Grandma Ma:) I wish everyone the best of luck in their journey!!!!
  • JeffreyOC
    JeffreyOC Posts: 810 Member
    I've always thought about losing weight but never took action until I went to Florida last year and couldn't fit on one the roller-coasters :'( That was a big wake up call for me.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    Because I didn't want to deal with the health problems that started hitting my parents in their 40s
  • ntnunk
    ntnunk Posts: 936 Member
    So are you asking why I wanted or are you asking what the final trigger was that caused me to find the right mental space to actually be able to lose weight?

    The first question is pretty similar to most I suppose. Felt like crap, looked like crap, had no energy, and I was sick of being winded and tired all the time.

    The trigger was a combination of things. Some health issues my brother was having, plus falling in love with first cycling, then bike racing, and deciding that I was putting so much time, effort, and money into bikes and training that it seemed dumb to not put in the effort to get rid of the extra weight that was holding me back.
  • bmcdowell
    bmcdowell Posts: 1 Member
    Well I am smack dab in the middle of facing old age and retirement and realized there are too many things I need and want to do in my life. I am so mad at myself for letting myself get so overweight that I need to lose at least 100# to feel like I am ok to make it. So here goes my zillionith try at taking it off. Thanks and good luck to you all.
  • LizIsBack86
    LizIsBack86 Posts: 61 Member
    1. My babygirl <3
    2. My health
    3. me
  • mellymoobag
    mellymoobag Posts: 19 Member
    I get married in 5 months and although I'm not going to be a slim bride, I'm not happy getting married at the size I am. Hoping I can lose a little bit, get some energy back and be the best mum I can to my babies xx
  • Jeanasus5
    Jeanasus5 Posts: 2 Member
    It's because of my family history of heart problems, high blood pressure and strokes. I was long overdue to start taking better care of myself and LOSE weight.

    lose |lo͞oz|
    verb ( past and past participle lost |lôst, läst| ) [ with obj. ]
    1 be deprived of or cease to have or retain

    loose |lo͞os|
    1 not firmly or tightly fixed in place; detached or able to be detached
  • because I don't like how my face & body shape look or how my clothes fit when I gain weight, and I don't feel at my best heavier (strength, agility, flexibility)
  • kschwab0203
    kschwab0203 Posts: 610 Member
    Health, family history, the whole bit played a factor, but honestly it was two reasons...

    1) I started to feel uncomfortable in my own skin
    2) I did not want my boyfriend to start to see me the way I was seeing myself.