still unable to lose weight

shehrbano1234 Posts: 3 Member
edited October 2016 in Motivation and Support
Today I am here to discuss all my frustrations. They are about my unsuccessful efforts to lose weight. It's almost a month that I started my efforts in a perfect way to reduce my weight. I have been eating under calories that are actually required for my body and doing brisk walk for 30mins and 40 mins yoga as well. But not a single gram of my weight has reduced. I am a mother of three kids. I was very smart when i became a mother. after my second baby I gained weight and also suffered from pcos. Even after the issue of pcos and heavy weight I was able to give birth to my third baby. She is also six months old and i was wondering if I could reduce my weight. My doctor says that pcos are in control but hormonal issues still persist. But she suggested to control my diet and do the exercise it will be helpful but all in vain. I am losing hope to get slimmer as i am very consistent now. The thing that is worrying me is that why my metabolism is not working. What could be the factors? I sleep almost 5-6 hours a day. My age is 35 and my weight is 75 kg right now. It was only 54 kg when i gave birth to my first baby. But unfortunately pcos developed and i gained weight. Plz if anyone can suggest what to do so that atleast my weight starts decreasing. I don't want to lose within only a month but atleast i want a gradual decline which is actually not happening.
I don't know what to do?
One thing I forgot to mention that I am also taking metformin for the last six months but still its not moving!


  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    edited October 2016
    5 - 6 hours a day is not enough sleep and getting enough sleep is an important component of weight loss. Lack of sleep causes other problems, as well. You should be trying for at least 7 hours. I know that can be difficult with kids but set yourself either an earlier bedtime or a later waking time. Whatever you're doing after the kids are in bed is not as important as getting enough sleep. If you're getting interrupted by a hungry baby in the night then sleep later to make up for it.

    I know that having PCOS can cause problems when it comes to losing weight. I believe that many women with PCOS find that they need to limit carbohydrate consumption to successfully lose weight. There is a PCOS group here somewhere. If you do a search you should be able to find it. That community should be able to offer you specific advice and support.
  • melodydee66
    melodydee66 Posts: 115 Member
    I understand your frustrations. I also have PCOS and have struggled for years with my weight. I agree with SueInAz about the sleep. It does make a very big difference and even if you can't squeeze in a full 7-8 hours at night, maybe see if there is a way to have a short nap during the day to help.

    The biggest success I've had diet wise with PCOS is to limit my sugar intake and lower my carbs. I follow a lower-ish carb diet (note, not low carb... I still eat bread, just not as much and whole wheat). I try to ensure that my diet is high in protein and I make sure I'm having enough fats to keep me satisfied and full. I don't have pasta or white rice anymore and try to make good choices. It's not always easy, but as I've lost over 60 lbs now, it's definitely helping. Some months are harder than others (this month is a real struggle), but you just keep moving on and staying focused. Feel free to add me if you would like some support and/or motivation.

    Good luck! :smiley:
  • RosyTea
    RosyTea Posts: 49 Member
    @melodydee66 sounds like she has quite a bit more experience with what you are dealing with. The only thing I can suggest outside of the obvious factor of sleep that has been mentioned it may be possible you aren't getting enough calories a day and that could be slowing your metabolism even more. Some information regarding this:

    Good luck! Don't get discouraged. I'm sure you will figure it out and your body will start working with you!
  • shehrbano1234
    shehrbano1234 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks for your suggestions I hope so!
  • wanzik
    wanzik Posts: 326 Member
    I'm not sure I have a whole lot to add but I just wanted to say don't give up! It might take some work but you can do it. You already have some good advice and things to try. It'll take a little tweaking here and there but the weight loss will come. While diet is most important thing, and it's great that you are walking and doing yoga, maybe you can add in some strength training as well. A couple pushups, crunches here and there. Take the kids to the park and do a couple chin-ups on the monkey bars. Just hang in there - you're off to a good start. You'll get there.
  • cassidyanette
    cassidyanette Posts: 3 Member
    Have they checked your thyroid? I have had the same problem for years and finally now that I'm on medicine for hypothyroidism, my weight has finally started to move. I feel a lot better also, I was always tired, depressed, had headaches, but it is all slowly getting better.