How to stay on track...

I've lost 30 pounds in three months due to a diet change, and then adding in the much needed exercise. I still have more to lose, but it's becoming increasingly easier to skip a workout, or snag a piece of candy (sweets are so hard to resist). This week I've been good, but office Halloween party is in Friday and I'm dreading it.

How do you avoid temptations? How do you motivate yourself to exercise each week?

Add me as a friend please, as I'd love to see some positive traction to motivate me!


  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    You've lost weight pretty fast, so maybe it's time to consider adjusting your goal to lose slower. That will help you include treats and provide better fuel for workouts which will make it easier to want to do them.
  • DreamyCowgirl
    DreamyCowgirl Posts: 3 Member
    It was really slow going at the beginning. My weight started to drop off when I added in the exercise. I'm starting to add more protein in my snacks, so I'm hoping that helps a little.
  • Cbestinme
    Cbestinme Posts: 397 Member
    may be silly question but are you logging all your foods in your mfp diary, even when you eat pieces of candy and such? If you do log your food and stay within the calories mfp guarantees you will lose weight. Have you tried to use loss goal of half pound per week? That should give you more calories to enjoy each day so you can plan for treats and not be tempted.
  • mysteps2beauty
    mysteps2beauty Posts: 493 Member
    The dreaded office, unless I'm full for lunch I'm not going in to the breakroom! Avoidance for me is the ticket now....until what I'm currently eating is so satisfying and filling, why go where temptation is? Alcoholic in recovery is not going into the bar, even if they say I'll just have a tonic water...if they are not yet strong enough in their recovery to say no. Can you say no to the sweets? If one will lead to another, then just avoid the area until you are strong enough. I'm looking ahead at Thanksgiving and Christmas, gonna have to do some serious calorie saving and exercise to enjoy some of my favorites.
  • DreamyCowgirl
    DreamyCowgirl Posts: 3 Member
    I just started logging into MyFitnessPal yesterday. I previously used weight watchers.
  • kaleebrenner
    kaleebrenner Posts: 8 Member
    At my job we are constantly having potluck parties, so in order to avoid temptation I made a rule for myself: unless it is something I can't get anywhere else, it doesn't go on my plate. So basically I skip all store-bought/prepackaged/restaurant purchased items and only go for the really good, homemade stuff (some of my coworkers are great cooks!). And then I only get a small portion (like a spoonful) of each of those things, and load up the rest of my plate with salad and veggies. And of course track everything. After I eat I physically remove myself from the area where the food is to resist going back for seconds. I also usually eat a lighter breakfast/dinner if I know I am going to be eating party food at some point that day.

    As far as a Halloween party, I would suggest if possible choosing in advance what you are going to eat (I assume there will be candy/treats so maybe pick your favorite?) and sticking to that, then removing yourself from the party if necessary. And of course, track what you eat!! I don't know what kind of party it is but maybe plan to bring something healthy for yourself (and to share with others)?

    I am a firm believer that treats can be enjoyed while still losing weight - you just have to plan for them. :)

    Exercise motivation is still a work in progress for me! But I have tried to find things that I enjoy doing which makes it seem like less of a chore. Also I try to remember how happy/good I always feel after a workout!