need ideas on how to switch up my wkts to end gain/lose cycl

So I think my problem is my body is really used to my workouts. I normally do spin 3 days a week, weights about 2 to 3 days for about 20 to 30 minutes. On my non spin days, I do the arc trainer at different intervals of fast and slow with varied resistance, or the elliptical, or the arc trainer and then I usually run on the treadmill with sprints and then walk. I have had this routine this past few weeks. My workouts are five to 6 days a week, and about 70 minutes total or 60 including weights. Now I have signed up for the tour de y. Where I have to take 25 spin classes in 5 weeks so I will be doing spin more often now. I have a hrm and check my intensity levels. I just want to end this gain lose cycle and I think my workouts may be the problem but not sure how to chnage them. I just started doing free weights consistently in the last week.


  • I came across a website called are workouts posted almost everyday and their never really the same. I just started following it and feel great. :)
  • stanvoodoo
    stanvoodoo Posts: 1,023 Member
    Can't see your diary but depending on your calorie level you may want to go up about 100 a day if you are at a plateau along with changing the exercise routine. Try more protein depending on your current intake. I do about 100 grams a day.

    Maybe try walking or swimming, resistance training is really good for you.

    Just keep at it and it will happen!
  • JoceyyySmall
    JoceyyySmall Posts: 155 Member
    You said you take spin, does the gym you take it at have different classes? Try something like a circuits class or another class different from spin. Do you do the same exact machines same number of reps/sets? Try increasing the intensity or do an extra set your body won't be used to the extra weight or the extra set. Put variations like that into the work out if you like the ellpitical or the treadmill try a different exercise routine on there.
  • cobaltis
    cobaltis Posts: 191 Member
    For weight loss the workout doesnt matter, its calories in vs calories out. As you get in better shape you have to push yourself harder to burn the same level. Run faster, lift heavier etc. Diet is almost all that matters, a spin class may let you eat an extra taco but control the diet first.

    Exercise is more about what you want to be able to do and how you want to look. if you know your at a deficit then keep with it. If you dont feel sluggish you can cut some more calories.
  • spinaddict4life
    spinaddict4life Posts: 93 Member
    Yes I eat plent of protein like 120 grams a day. I feel great since i started sleeping at least 7 hours. But I teach spin so I have to do that. But I noticed that I do have to push myself more to get my heart rate going.
  • chrissym78
    chrissym78 Posts: 628 Member
    bumping for later :)