St.Louis, MO and exhausted!

Hi there!
My name is Molly, I'm currently on a mission to tone and maintain at this point. I have a really bad chocolate problem and turning down temptation. I'm lazy and unmotivated and I'm so tired of my excuses! Feel free to add me if you think you can keep me in shape! I need all the help I can get! I chase 2 toddlers and a puppy all day and think I can treat myself to 4 Walmart sugar cookies or a half thing of ice cream no problem. I don't keep fruit in the fridge, I buy it to feel good but it rots before I can eat it


  • Manda5352
    Manda5352 Posts: 121 Member
    hi I'm amanda I live like an hour from you in Illinois. I have like 30 more lbs to loss but my thing is when I go out to eat I don't pick very good choices. I think we would be good to help each other