Back to work - looking for accountability partners/friends

jp4ap Posts: 102 Member
I need to get back to getting fit. 3 years ago I lost over 100 lbs. Injuries and illness have resulted in me gaining all of this weight back. I'm bound and determined to get back to fit. Looking for accountability partners who are doing the same thing. I'm looking for friends who can help celebrate my victories while I celebrate theirs...but who also will check in with me if I am not logging (as I will with them). I'm also a if it fits my calories person...not interested in hearing how good kale is for me and nor will I tell you how good kale is...because kale sucks. Anyway...if you're in need of an accountability partner and you're looking for a reciprocal relationship so am I and we should definitely be friends. Please send me an add. :)


  • stampcats
    stampcats Posts: 3 Member
    Sounds like me I lost a lot of weight got really ill and now need to lose 40-60 lbs. I can't exercise per say but my job keeps me active. I need the accountability