need excercise help please

I have been doing the same pilates video from netflix for about 2 wks. Should i switch the videos up and do a variety of them within the week


  • Jenscan
    Jenscan Posts: 694 Member
    I do, because I get bored otherwise! And it will enhance your weight loss to switch your workouts around; your body gets used to the workout and works more efficiently (thus burning fewer calories per workout).
  • lmvrbaby
    lmvrbaby Posts: 30 Member
    Hi, and welcome, I use zumba dvd's and switch between 4 of them. In the beginning I was told that I would start to lose after my body did toning. No clue what that meant, but my own PCP said that at my last appt. After about 3 or 4 weeks I started dropping weight. I try to keep under the calorie goal and drink water or unsweet tea and then do walking on breaks at work and do a 20 minute zumba dvd after work. I know its not for everyone, but I feel it helps for me. Good luck
  • mcsolis
    mcsolis Posts: 107 Member
    ok jen thx so much i was hoping i would get an answer today so i can start switching it out tomorrow